Title: Dawn of the night - The 13th night: Close your heart
Author: Anae
Rating: overall M/NC-17, this one Nc-17
Spoilers: overall thorough the manga
Disclaimer: Nope, still not mine.
Summary: It's painful to feel.
A/N: I know I'm late, and I'm sorry! Last weekend was a hassle, and before that, I finally got my hands to Togainu no Chi game with full english patch... But here is the next chapter. I rewrote it once, partially twice, and I'm still not entirely satisfied (I've never struggled this much with a chapter in my life), but... You'll forgive me, since it's longer than any before and it has porn and angst, right?
If you do, off with the chapter ~
"Kanda is silenced as fingers grip his head and his mouth is nudged open, skilled tongue forcing itself in, teeth careless enough to draw blood. Lavi doesn’t want to hear about Alma or about that person, doesn’t want to know how much they meant to Yuu, doesn’t want to understand how much he means to Yuu, and above all, he doesn’t want to hear the name that isn’t supposed to be his anymore."