Title: Dawn of the night - The 11th night: Ink on the paper
Author: Anae
Rating: overall M/NC-17, this one PG-13ish
Spoilers: overall thorough the manga
Disclaimer: Nope, still not mine.
Summary: People are no more than ink on the paper, right?
A/N: I have absolutely no idea where this came from. And even if I still think that I can't handle Allen or Lenalee too well, I adore how Lavi managed to play it on Kanda this time, to make him make a promise he didn't dare to ask for.
Hope you like it too!
Now follow the cut ~
"No matter how much Kanda disagrees, he’s a human being as well - and Lavi is fully aware of the power of the words, he knows how to twist them to hurt others, how to break a person with just a few sentences - the pen is more powerful than the sword when it comes to people - but he also knows how to heal, and more importantly, how to make the impossible possible."