Title: Between Rain and Sun
Pairing: Lavi/Kanda, Allen/Lenalee, other IR pairings
Rating: R
Summary: IR epilogue story. As the Exorcists of Innocent Rain struggle to rebuild, they soon discover that life without war is a lot harder than previously expected.
Warnings: Angst scale will be set on high at points, graphic smexy scenes, life being sucky, life being awesome... basically life being life. Kanda and others have bad language, so we'll warn for that too. Also, innuendo, general idiocy, and probably some lame attempts at crackish humor.
Disclaimer: We don't own DGM, just our original characters. Oh, and the plot too, if there ever turns out to be one in this particular fic.
Warnings for this chapter: You won't remember what's going on, as it's been almost a year and a half since we posted the last chapter. Angst=not too high. There's a bit of crack and a bit of serious and a small injection of sadness and some looming foreshadowy things, but that's about it.
Note: It's Winter Break, so we're writing again. We wanted to fix up this chapter and post it before getting back to anything else. We don't know if we'll do HtSaL next or another chapter of BRS next, but you will get something, we promise. ♥
Yuu time?