Title: From Doomsday to Doomsday
Pairing: Kanda/Lavi
Rating: NC-17 (For now, rating may go up for later chapters)
Summary: A Japanese Officer, Kanda Yuu, is sent to Germany before World War II break out to assist the German future ally for the investigations about some classified information's leaks. Assigned against his will to the Third Reich's SS corp he has to comply with unpleasant orders. During one of this tasks he meets Lavi, whose relative gets arrested right away, letting loose a chain reaction. Kanda/Lavi WWII
Warnings: AU, mention of racism, violence, etc., language, abuse, eventual offensive situations, boy/boy sex
Note: Please note that I in no way am encouraging or approving of racism. It's just that to keep the story as possibly close to its historical period, I must use terms, ways of thinking, and behaviors proper of the factions involved in WWII. So, if references to Nazism or to its ideology is offensive to you, please refrain from reading. I don't want flames about it. I want to make it clear that I don't approve in any way Nazi's actions and that I'm not a racist, I'm just using the historical setting as a background.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own D. Gray-man, all belong to Hoshino sensei... If it was otherwise...... Lavi and Kanda should have been together from like FOREVER!