*may be false advertising. Anyway! I haven't drawn much lately, which is bad I know, but I've been going about visitng awesome folks as of late... so all of this is stuff I've been sitting on for a couple months now at least but only just got around to scanning. This round... doodles of a generally full-bodychibi-ish! nature. Tomorrow... likely crappy, self-centered comics(or aforementioned fullbody stuff).
01. Beatrix Special mark 1
I was looking back through my previous posts here and realized I hadn't uploaded any of the beatrix marathon, somehow. So here we go. drawn on the back of a dinner-mat while at a restaurant, I'm just that classy!
I believe this might've come about from discussing cosplaying zidane with bob? He's one of the few male characters I could likely pass for, thanks to his odd costume. Anyway, my true love is beatrix, so I got a bit distracted.
03. I still want to do this
Don't remember, I think it was actually an IRC conversation that ended up inspiring this particular idea. Hee.
04. CAN'T BE!!
One of the few genuinely "chibi" things I've drawn in the past few years, jest notwithstanding. I think the characters were originally supposed to be characters I know, but fuck if I know who they are now... they're cute though.
05. I remember when I still had the spirit of rebellion inside me
Icarus was having serious problems around this time, and constantly used the hall in front of my room for relieving his illness. It got a bit nervewracking.
06. I like cats... really!
it struck me as amusing when scanning that this came after 05, as though to say that I wasn't really bitter and full of murderous rage towards cats. But it's true, the kittens are so goddamned adorable... they're one of the things that keep me sane these days. Alas, we'll have to say farewell to them pretty soon here...
That appears to be it. Wooh! Also, I've been playing EBA lately, so hopefully I'll get off my ass and draw some Agent Chieftain/Divas fanart.