01. Who was the first J-rock band you heard?
o_o; Dir en grey maybe? if not it was Malice Mizer
02.Who's the most recent J-rock band you've heard?
>_>; I'm listening to Kagerou right now
03. Who's your favorite J-rock band?
that's too tough for me to answer. x_x
04. Name 5 other bands you like:
Dir en grey, Gazette, Kagerou, Malice Mizer, laruku
05. There wasn't a #5. So I'm just filling space. ^_^
06. Are you a fangirl/boy?
I try not to. >>;
07. If yes, of who?
08. Do you cosplay?
I have.
09. Who?
I did Mana-sama one year.
10. Do you like Dir en grey?
11. Are you a Toshiya fangirl?
No. ^_^;;;
12. How about Kaoru?
Damn he used to be hot..
13. Die?
He's cute.
14. Kyo?
No. ^_^; I barely like him.
15. Shinya?
I'm a lot like him apparently.
16. What's your favorite Deg song?
Marmalade Chainsaw
17. Do you like visual bands or non-visual bands?
18. What's the first J-rock song you heard?
no idea
19. What's the last song you heard?
still listening to Kagerou. yami ni warau kuro
20. Do you buy J-rock magazines?
I have a SHOXX subscription and a few Cures sitting around.
21. What's your favorite?
22. Have you ever been to any J-rock concerts?
A few.
23. Which ones?
PlC twice, DesRay, Duel Jewel three or four times.. I don't know if it counts but I saw the Boom Boom Satellites with Moby once.
24. What would you do if you saw any J-rocker walking down the street in your town?
stare. I live on the ass end of the planet.
25. Which three Jrockers are you most in love with?
26. Which three Jrockers would you most love to meet in person (Dead or alive)
the reals for my muses.
27. What are the three things you would like to say to/ask them?
I'd just see how my muses react to them. ^_^;
28. Which three Jrockers can you relate to most?
>_>; Uh I'm like Shinya apparently. I have no idea otherwise.
29. Which three Jrock songs do you constantly replay?
according to iTunes, Black Spangle Gang, Candy Strippers, and reila.
30. Do you currently have a Jrocker desktop wallpaper?
It's Ruiza. >__> Re put it there, damn him.
31. Which Jrocker would you most like to get fashion/makeup advice from?
32. Do you read Jrock fan fiction?
I have. o_o;;
33. What is your favorite Jrocker related dream?
I don't really remember them anymore.
34. How many Jrock MP3s do you have?
probably around 1900, but that's counting my pop stuff.
35. And, finally, if you could sleep with any three Jrockers, who would they be?
I don't think I would... ^_^;;; What would the odds be of finding one who was circumsized?