This thing's supposed to be for art, huh.
You can blame
moondabor entirely for this one.
News, news...Well, we FINISHED THE DOUJIN. HOORAY! Saku approved the pdf proof and it's good to go. I can't wait until I've got a copy in my doesn't really feel done until you're holding it, you know? And of course now that I've taken a few days off to put my brain back together, it's right back into the grind of trying to get my Touhou poster and all my other merch done in time for Fanime...which is less than a month away. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCKF AOSDIJOAEWJOIAGDFJOIGDJOHIAFSDHIOADFSHOIADFGHIOG
Somehow I don't think I'll have any new costumes done in time. I do want to try and get the Dancer from FFT done, but we'll see. I just have to hem the top and make a shitton of jewelry for that one. not going to happen for this con.
No rest for the wicked, I suppose.