10 reasons post-graduation life is so much more like college than college ever was

Jan 14, 2013 22:41

  1. Booze compromises about 80% of your income. Beer dinner is every dinner.
  2. More calls to mommy and daddy within the first month than in the entirety of college. "Mommmmmmm, New York is scary and the people here are mean!"
  3. So many hot pockets. Those greasy baby microwave pizzas are good, too.
  4. "Nobody here gets me." (Okay, this is more high school)
  5. A roommate you see once every month. Your convinced you made her up in your mind. Your friends think you're crazy and live alone.
  6. "Seriously?? That's LINK not Zelda! Have you ever even played Zelda?!?!"
  7. Dorm-like living conditions. Sex sounds and someone playing really horrible guitar on one side, angry hispanic couple throwing plates on the other. Oh, and your entire two bedroom apartment is smaller than your first year dorm room.
  8. The second you get home, pajama-time.
  9. One night stands you wish you had blacked out for.
  10. Finally, the cruellest question of all, "So what are you doing with your life after this?"

college, real life, graduating

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