A) I have been a bad, bad LJ friend. Sorry for not commenting on your posts, flist! The connection in my area was really bad this week due to heavy rainstorms- so yeah. Also, rainstorms aside, SCHOOL. Gah. Pre-study-for-the-Last-Exams-of-The-Semester Homestretch? EXHAUSTING. How did people manage their senior year, really?
B) Again, I have yet to catch up with both Glee and Merlin. It's not the shows, it's me. Just... not in the mood for catching up with TV shows? Can anyone give me a summary of what's going so far in both shows?
I know all about Quinn's baby-gate in Glee- but what's this I'm hearing about Rachel's crush on Will? AND I MEAN WAIT WHAT DOES IT MEAN THAT MY SHIP IS COMING TRUE? Hmm.
Merlin- I know about Uther's creepy girlfriend, of course. And lack of Morgana. I think the latter might be why I'm not so hot about catching up with the show.
C) Manga-reading, though, I'm very much on board. So far, there have been:
Fullmetal Alchemist: NGH NGH AWESOMEEE.
Kuroshitsuji: not liking the blatant Sebastian/Ciel subtext but the art is oh so pretty- also, Sebastian is hot. And it's set in pseudo-Victorian!England. You can't not like anything Victorian-ish.
Black Lagoon: I'M SURE I'M UNDERAGE FOR THIS BUT. JUST. GUH. Awesome-badass-ladies-with-violent-tendencies-et-cetera aside, loving the art. The plot is hard to follow, but the action scenes! Just, the action scenes. I don't know anything about Mafias (I don't even watch The Godfather, natch) but they (referring to the Russian and Chinese mafias here) look so damn cool. Roanapur is one hell of the city. Oh, and the CHURCH OF VIOLENCE. There's a granny nun firing Desert Eagles. *dead from the awesome*
Beck: is what my brother's reading. I like it. The usual underdogs-against-the-world, with rock music you can't hear (but you can just feel it) and a good healthy dose of reality.
Death Note: TOO MUCH TEXT. Also, Light can go die in a fire. So can Misa, no matter how much it pained me to say this about a female character. I've read to L's death- don't know when I'll continue.
Soul Eater: Re-reading. It's still awesome. New OTP (I don't care if it's late): see icon.
D) ganked from
melodyic_rhyme :
For one week, recommend / share:
Day 1: a song
Day 2: a picture
Day 3: a book/ebook/fanfic
Day 4: a site
Day 5: a youtube clip
Day 6: a quote
Day 7: whatever tickles your fancy
Shiny Toy Guns - Seasons of Lovefree for snagging.
One of the songs I snagged from Gossip Girl, I don't like Blair/Chuck as much as I used to when the song came up- but it's catchy. And adorable. It's.. those kinds of fluffy songs, okay?