*evil cackles*
A) I MISS LJ SO GODDAMN MUCH. Between academic activities and impromptu family trips and romantic entanglements that may or may not be relevant to the first two, one would think that I have time for fixing my laptop. Alas. But it's done now! Ahaha. I missed high speed internet connection.
It feels ridiculously awkward using Photoshop to create icons after such long time, though. AND I LOST ALL MY COLORING. BAAWWLL.
B) Speaking of school, I'm thinking of ditching future Law School-related-dreams and taking Agronomy as a major in college instead. I think that it's a better choice- and it's going to benefit my country more. And my dad is hoping that either my brother or I following his footsteps in his business (it involves rice paddies- lots of it) so yeah.
C) I've been compensating for the lack of internet with watching FMA: Brotherhood on TV (of course, it led to me reading the manga, which is by far the awesomest thing EVER and why am I only reading this now why why) and rewatching Chuck. I've been missing Gossip Girl and Merlin- and I'm dead curious-
be_themoon , how's Merlin this far? I'm not sure who watch Gossip Girl's Season 3 on my flist- but
madamemystical ?
redlipped ? Is this new season better?