And now... something totally different!

Apr 16, 2009 03:11

I'm such a fact nerd, I was doing one of my common info searches where I get started on one subject and it branches off into searches for other things. This time I started off googling tsunamis because I've always been weather obsessed (My childhood plans were to become a meteorologist. Yes, I realize that tsunami isn't probably technically "weather" but it relates somewhat.) I've always been fascinated with the ocean and both in awe/kinda freaked out by sheer power it has. From tsunamis, I went on to look at waves in general, which lead me to this photo:

"Holy shit." ~rabidglow

I set out to find out where that pic was from. If any of you are surfers/surfering enthusiasts, you probably already know that's a fairly famous picture of the "heaviest wave ever ridden" at Teahupoo. This leads me on to Youtube.

This a video of the above picture.

image Click to view

More Teahupoo.

image Click to view

And finally... this one is credited as being the "Worlds biggest wave ever surfed." This claim's truthiness, well really I'm not sure of. Damn, it looks huge. These people must have some nerves of steel.

image Click to view

I'm currently streaming the movie that footage is from, Billabong Odyssey. I dunno... it's not the surfing that's fascinating, though they do provide a size reference in the pics/videos, it's the water.

random fact, video, reflections

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