Did anyone see, on the Conan the other night with Paul Rudd and John Stamos, the "Late Night Sausage Party" bit? I was in stitches.
superpoop.com I got up early to "edit my essay" before handing it in, but it is such a piece of shit, I can't bring myself to look at it. Also: I can't bring myself to care about Canada class (which this is for). It is just so dumb. Maybe it is my post-colonial mentality is affecting this viewpoint - I still don't care. The class is just all "hai guyz did u no mounties were formed to oppress the Natives? didja? huh?" and I am all "duh i no that, just bcuz we pretend we rn't racist now don't mean we never were."
I am still in denial about how much I have to do this week. I failed at getting the bulk of it accomplished this weekend. KILL ME NOW PLZ.
URG I have to go print this essay at school. I HATE PRINTING AT SCHOOL. It takes at least 10x longer than it does to print anywhere else.
Sorry for all this negativity so early in the day. Except it isn't even all that early. Pretend this entry ended at the naked picture of the sausage party.