Your Love is Sweet Misery

Jul 13, 2009 02:37

So I`m lying in bed posting from my DSi, which I still find amazinglykick awesome! Sad American Idol post was sad... It`s just sad that I can`t fangirl with someone else about my obsession, just sayin`. By the way does anyone else besides me double space after their periods? I denno, I learnt to do that from my keyboarding class from high school and it`s just stuck. It actually makes me feel smarter, lol.

So Inoticed that NONE of my friends on LJ have updated lately AT ALL! I feel like I`m just writing in a secret journal that no one even reads... Well writing in here eases my urges to rant in real life so I guess writing all my thoughts out is a healthy thing to do but it`s sad to think that no one`s hearing me...

Anyway, let`s move onto a new topic! I just finished listening to Kris Allen's Falling Slowly and I will never get over how friggin' beautiful that song is! Especially when it's sun by him, *sigh*. And I really can't get enough of Adam Lambert's A Change is Gonna Come. So passionate! I was really bummed that Kris wasn't able to sing Falling Slowly on tour, apparently it wasn't much of a tour kind of song since it's a slow ballad and all... But still, some of the other Idols got to sing sappy ballads! Ah well, hopefully he'll sing it went it comes time for his solo tours. Ahh, wishful thinking. And god, Adam's David Bowie medley on the tour was INSANE! Yes I went to the tour so shoot me. The way he ripped his jacket off during the performance nearly killed me. The dancing, the provocative movements...those hips, god that man is a sin. If tjis is how he's gonna be on an American Idol tour then I can't wait until his solo tours!

Okay, my hand is really starting to hurt from all of this stylus keyboard typing. Well speak of the devil, Adam's A Change is Gonna Cone just started playing on my iriver! Well, I'll update for you guys later...what guys I wonder, huh?

adam lambert, kris allen, american idol

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