Jan 11, 2005 22:56
this was found on a LOST message board on ABC. I think that the first message explains pretty well what is going on, but if you are confused, let me know. I find this sickening. I will bold the one person who has started this crap on these boards. Every new post will have a star by it to make it easier to read. This is all copied straight from the post
thread name:
RACISAM ON OUR MESSAGE BOARDS (this is important please read it)
*Controvery & OUTRAGE: Interracial dating between Arab and blond white girl
This is the thread title I read while looking through this website. So I looked and sure enough, I found somehtin I had hoped I would never find here: a thread against the Sayid/Shannon realashionship. Not because of who they are, but because of what color they are. An interracial opposing poster put his out, in which the responses came flooding in. Not supporting the poster, but saying what they thought was right: opposing racism. I myself posted a note saying what I thought was right. If you would please read my statement, that would be great.
"Where I am from (USA), people have the right to state their opinion. If someone disagrees with them then that is just life. But I for one think that it doen't matter what kind of skin color or religion or whatever you are. When I see Sayid and Shannon (or any other inter-racial couple) I don't see light and dark skin or diffrent types of backrounds, I see two hearts full of love for the person they are with, and if thats wrong I don't want to be right.
I think it's really sad that there are still people who think it matters what color your skin is. No one is superior to anyone. NO ONE. No race, skin color, or religion is better thaqn another. When you walk into a room full of people you should see people, not skin colors.
That is what I think and if you disagree, deal with it, because I'm not changing my opinion for anything or anyone."
Here is a qoute from the topic poster, I_Love_Sawyer, which was written on the thread: "I am enraged at an arab man defrocking a beatiful, young, blode-haired all american white woman". These are I_Love_Sawyer's word's not mine. And I pray that I will never let such hateful words come out of my mouth.
This is all I have to say, so now it's your turn: What do you think about this?
*Isn't this website supposed to be about LOST??
*Yeah, it is, but when someone posts something that racist, I personaly am going to give them a peice of my mind.
*I_LOVE_SAWYER is a jerk. Pay no attention to him.
*I just want to say that when I thought about the pairing of Sayid and Shannon, I hadn't thought about the race thing at all until I saw that thread..
Why does it matter what race they are? I realize they are fictional characters, but I think of them as people, not as representatives of their race. Let's all be open-minded.
*Many white American women marry middle easterners, and it always ends up in disaster. These women must suffer low self-esteem to put themselves in this situation. My mother worked with one such woman; the arab man was extremely controlling and demanded that she conform to his culture.
Ever seen "Not without my child"? Go rent it. Or anyone watch "24" this week?
I asked a question earlier that no one was able to answer. Name ONE positive contribution that the Muslim religion has made to the world in a thousand years. You can't. Because of their hateful religion, they're still living in the year 900.
*First off, I'm more sure than ever that you need meds. Second, 24 has nothing to help your case and affter reading that, I don't think that you've seen it before. And thrid, what you just wrote is hateful.
*Oh brother!! Could you please get over yourself.
"Name one positive contribution that the Muslim religion has made to the world in a thousand years"
Question I_Love_Sawyer: Where do you think most of the WORLD gets their oil from??
Answer: The middle east!!!!! Where the dominant religion is Islam (faith of MUSLIMS).
So think about what you say before you say it because these so called "negatives" are what keep your car running, be it an old clunker or a cute little sports car.
*Im with yah Sayids girl!!,im sick of those stupid posts....i think shannon and Sayid both have good hearts but trust issues and thats what draws them togather.
I was one of the first Sayid/shannon shippers and they are cute togather, i think they connect on a deeper level than personalities.
p.s. i thought it was funny how sayid went to talk to shannon just as she took off her top.lol.
p.p.s. sayid is so freakin hott!
*"Many white American women marry middle easterners, and it always ends up in disaster. These women must suffer low self-esteem to put themselves in this situation. My mother worked with one such woman; the arab man was extremely controlling and demanded that she conform to his culture.
Ever seen "Not without my child"? Go rent it. Or anyone watch "24" this week?
I asked a question earlier that no one was able to answer. Name ONE positive contribution that the Muslim religion has made to the world in a thousand years. You can't. Because of their hateful religion, they're still living in the year 900."
ever hear of algebra?
* Sayid's girl, and everyone else who was hurt by the racism found here, I am so sorry you had to see something like that. As someone who has been called many names since my brief time here, I can sympathize with you and what you feel.
I second Sir Braggins in this--me and my fellow Christians have learned to ignore the hatred we find here. We have decried our right to free speech in talking about what we believe. And unfortunately, that opens the door to hateful speech as well.
With people like you sharing your insight and kindness, hopefully we can all band together and ignore the immature, narrow-minded hatred that creeps up here. And drown it out by using our freedom to talk about a show we love in a kind a respectful way to the people here. There are truly great people here. And I for one, am not going to let the hatred and bigotry that is unfortunately showcased here every so often, scare me away.
*First off Naveen Andrews was born in London! Nowhere near the middle-east. I_LOVE_SAWYER-leave your racist comments on the I SUPPORT BUSH AND OTHER RACIST IDIOTS message boards..................
Where are you from? Georgia?
[my note...um...i don't like this post just because it's stereotyping but that's not the point of this whole thing so...we'll just leave this here -abbie]
*excuese me sheistysean, not to be rude bu please do noit bring up President Bush. I am a full supporte of the president and what he is doing with this war. And I am not a rascist whatsoever and consider everybody and their religion equal. So keep anti bush comments to urself, thank you.
*excuese me sheistysean, not to be rude bu please do noit bring up President Bush. I am a full supporte of the president and what he is doing with this war. And I am not a rascist whatsoever and consider everybody and their religion equal. So keep anti bush comments to urself, thank you.
And your English is as good as Bush's. Sorry, to tell Bush is a FLAT-OUT redneck racist! Of course you support it, you figure "Hell, he's killing those middle eastern people." Blood shed and for what? Do you feel safer today than you did on Sept. 12, 2001? I don't! Daddy failed so Georgie boy has to make up for it! Gun welding Texan....................
*people hae their own oppinions. im not a racist. im open to diversity. some poepl arent thats their problem. i dont have to deal with them. they need to get over it.
*My book is and always will be: If you don't like it, don't look. I mean no offense to any of the parties in this discussion, but it applies to all.
I've seen a lot that I disagree with, but then again, I've done a lot that others have disagreed with. That's life. Get over it. Live your life and don't try to tell how others should live theirs, whether about interracial couples, or about racist people
* well said...All over the world are differnt Races and Religons...as i said before we all have the same color blood...
*save the chickens, I hate to break it to you, but NOT all humans are "wonderful".. The Muslims who preach hate and terrorism are rats. I guess I'm the only one around here who ever heard of 9/11.
*Some of you who spout these cliches like "we all have the same blood", "all humans are wonderful", etc. make me throw up in my mouth. What are they teaching you in school???
Many of these Muslim fanatics would slit YOUR throat in a heartbeat. They believe they are driven to do so by the Koran. You can preach your feel-good mush, but there are mosques RIGHT HERE IN AMERICA where the Muslims are taught to hate and kill Americans. They're just looking for weakness -- which you people are showing.
*So all muslims evil!
*Im sorry you have such Hate that makes you blind,I work For a Muslim woman and she is one of the nicest people you will meet.
*Sweetie, I'm not the one with the hate. The religion that attacked us on 9/11 are the hateful ones.
I think you are extremely naive - dangerously so... Calling me the one with hate, rather than the Muslim fanatics who TRULY hate America.
*Many Americans would also slit your throat at the first chance.. and also believe that the Bible is telling them to do so. (Please don't take this wrong; I'm a Christian but there are people in all religions who misunderstand the teachings and give religions a bad name).
People of all cultures and religions have skewed teachings to promote hate; it's not just one certain religion or race.
I'm not here to start a fight; this is all I want to say
*baby,a religon didnt attack us a few people that were that eligon did.Dont condem a group for a few peoples action. I could hate white christians for the Holocaust but I dont because i Undderstand that only a few people of that race and religon did that and They dont represent everyone. I could hate americans for forcing The japanese to go into concentration camps in ww2 or for slavery...not so fun when the storms headin your way huh?
*Right o sweet pea
* a FEW people attacked us??? No baby, it was WAY more than a few. An entire religion is teaching its young generations to hate and attack Americans.
They're able to get away with it because of people like you, who look the other way and give them a free pass. Not me, baby.
do you hate black people and asains as well?
*im done with your idiodic theories.
* The "if you don't like it don't look" comment is almost as stupid as the original racism. Its a simple fact that ABC set up rules for decency on this forum, as happens in any other American forum that is public. Its not up to us to avoid this crap. Its up to ABC to enforce its own rules to not have it flung at us. We should be free to come and look without having garbage thrown in our faces. Its freedom from having racism shoved in our faces. I encourage everyone to report this thread to ABC.
*I_Love_Sawyer has posted 3 threads like that.
If you come across any offensive post, whether it be by I_Love_Sawyer or not, please ignore it -- do not reply to it. Offensive posts are cries for attention.
However, if you feel you need to take action, you may contact ABC at netaudr@abc.com and request the user's IP address to be banned.
For ABC officials to review your case, please make sure to include:
(1) The screen name of the user
(2) The name of the thread(s)
(3) Recorded posts by the user
(4) The url address to the thread(s)
Thank you for your cooperation.
*I knew this was going to pop up sooner or later.
Mr I_love_sawyer. 9/11 was an act by a terrorist group known as al-qaida, it was not he work of "arabs" or "Muslims". AlQaida has killed its fair share of Arabs and Muslims, remember the people who suffered the most from Alqaida were the Afghans.
Your comments about American women marrying middle easterner are incorrect. In my family I have an uncle who married an American lady and their marriage has just reached 25 years. I also know of other successful marriages between American women and Arab/Muslim men as well as American men and Arab/Muslim women.
Regarding your comments about mosques in America, they are FALSE. I have been to mosques in Texas,Tennessee and Detroit and I have never heard the sort of rhethoric you are describing. People there are concerned with everyday issues like taxes, election, jobs etc.
You have been watching too much Fox News. Television or movies are not a place to educate yourself, neither is the media which is always focus on extreme cases.
If you depise Alqaida/Taliban, I am with you, but if you are smearing all Arabs/Muslims then you are a jerk.
*She's wrong about 24. 24 is a good program and, as someone who's watched it from the start, I don't think that she's watched it before.
*My point was that some people are SO naive. When I get on a plane, and I see an arab, YES I get a little jittery. Yes the chances of him blowing up the plane are extremely slim, but I stil have my eye on him.
Some people actually posted that "all humans are wonderful" and "we all share the same blood". BALONEY!!!!!! Radical Islam, where hate is preached and violence encouraged, must be stamped out. Those people are lice. But they are "enabled" by ignorant, naive people like the posters who say "all people are the same".
Give this dude a break.........
*The KKK, skinheads, and neo-nazis falls under the same category. When you see a white guy, do you get worryed that he's a domistic terrorist who believes in white suprmmacy? Sure, the chances he is are slim, but so are the chances that a muslim guy is a member of al-qaeda.
this is just simply sickening...i mean...i don't hate america. i don't hate people who "hate" america. i'm not a right wing war-mongering conservative tight ass bitch. i'm not a treehugging left wing weiner (thanks to jibjab) who thinks that war is never necessary. i'm not either of these things. i'm a little of both, as most people are. the one thing that i am NOT is a racist...at least when it comes to this stuff. it makes me sick to know that people actually think that way. i have a very very good friend who is middle eastern. her dad is muslim. and no, he hasn't killed anyone. he doesn't want to slit the throat of every american he meets. he's not brainwashed. just like american's aren't brainwashed to hate muslims. i'm sorry if people disagree with me, but i was raised and all through school was taught that to hate one group of people because they were different was to hate the difference in yourself. and since the difference in yourself is what makes you you, then you must hate yourself.
i'm shaking. i really am. this angered me beyond belief. i couldn't believe it. i read the whole thing like six times before working up the nerve to reply and then thought better of it.
it's ridiculous (even though that's probably spelled wrong at this time i don't really care) and i promise that if i ever hear anyone making a comment like this person has made on this post and the others, i won't stand for it. that's not acceptable. anywhere. about anyone.
sorry, i know that most of you don't really care about this as much as i do but i felt the need to post this for those who do to read.
for those who don't know about LOST
sayid is a former iraqi soldier. it's believed by most of the watchers that he likes this chick, shannon, who is a "white all american girl with blond hair".
three last posts:
*The issue is more over culture and religion, than race. The problem is these Muslim countries. The only thing they have in common with us is, well, nothing. I wish we'd shut down the mosques in this country that are teaching hate to America. For a white, all-American girl to sully herself with someone of this religion/culture offends me very deeply.
and these two i really like:
*Not all Muslims hate Americans. Not all Americans hate the French. Not all witches are evil. Not all Southern white males are bigots. Not all men are going to rape you. Not all women are out for your money. Not all kids who wear trenchcoats are going to shoot up a school. To think ill of one group of people because of the actions of a few is a very childish way of looking at the world. Oh yeah. In response to a few of your other threads: Not all Korean people eat cats and dogs and Not all black males are bad fathers. Get a clue and hold onto it tight lest it leave your little mind again.
*Also, I am sure in the coming weeks you will see lots of different foods on the island, Walt and Michael will fry some chicken and plant watermelon for the next season, Jin and Sun will eat the dog, Hurley will start making quesadillas, Charlie will have a delectable plate of haggis, Claire will have vegamite on a kangaroo, and Locke Jack Boone Sawyer Shannon Kate will all enjoy a big old helping of mayonaise on top of everything that they sample from the others. At which point while all of these people are enjoying their meal, Sayid will walk in, eating a falafel, and self detonate, killing everyone on the Island and ending the show. Sorry about the spoiler.