Sentence Fics: Five Surprising Moments

May 21, 2011 23:51


At a peep show
Really, he wasn’t the type of guy to be doing this at all, Moz kept telling himself as he pumped quarter after quarter into the slot and the cheesy music started coming out of a pair of tinny speakers overhead, but when the blinds fell away and he caught a glimpse of the smooth, pale skin on display, so lost was he in the fantasy that he didn’t quite realize what he was seeing until time was up and he said in a shocked voice, “Neal?”

On their wedding day
“Surprise honey!” El shouted as she opened the door to the groom’s dressing room, and Peter surged to his feet, dick in hand and pants around his ankles, knocking into a stack of folding chairs which fell over, practically crushing the maid of honor, who jumped back, screeching in surprise and hit into a passing waiter with a tray of hors d’ouerves  that flew through the air to rain down upon El’s head, which is why to this day, she can’t look at rumaki without giggling uncontrollably.

Home for Christmas
“Hey, Mom, I’m going to borrow that Hermés scarf you were telling me about,” Diana called down the stairs; rooting around her mother’s dresser, her hand brushed against something unexpectedly solid amidst the fine silks: a well-used Hitachi Magic Wand and all the attachments.

Morning ritual
Sara loved to masturbate on her bed after a shower, until one morning when she spied a flash of light across the street and peered out her window to find her neighbor Mr. Vickers spying on her with a telescope;  from that day on, she did it at night with her lights blazing so he’d have a better view.

With a sock monkey
Peter almost couldn’t believe what he was seeing: Neal jacking off into the woolen torso of a sock monkey, the poor thing’s red mouth obscenely agape as if it were crying for more.

activity: mmom, fics, character: sara ellis, fandom: white collar, character: elizabeth burke, character: peter burke, character: neal caffrey, genre: sentence fic, character: moz

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