Holy Crap, Y'All!!!

May 19, 2011 14:36

Today's mmom fic was my 98th story posted. I don't know what compelled me to count. Now that #100 is coming, I want it to be meaningful or something, but really, it's going to be another wank fic. I don't have anything else ready - except my wcpairings fic, and now I wish I'd seen this coming and I would've done a really great Five Times one or something. I have been meaning to write that wedding!

I think it might wind up being a Wangst fic. Have been toying with an El-centered one anyway, and it'll be easily made into a MMoM-appropriate tale. It's not a sequel or anything, just a companion piece. Actually, the sequel to Wangst is kinda already plotted out.

And for hanging in there with my mental wanking, here's a bonus Bomer pic. I just made this photo the desktop graphic on my pc - When I saved it to my pc, I titled it "just wow." Cuz: wow!

If you've got other ideas for my 100th, let me know. I'll have to post it on Saturday sometime, so I can keep up with mmom. Sigh. Must learn to plan ahead..

ETA: Gosh, I forgot all about the world ending on Saturday. Damn! I suppose my last fic being my 100th would be somehow synergistic. Now it'll have to be Neal wanking in a post-apocalyptic New York, I suppose, grumble, grumble, grumble....

mental wanking, fandom: white collar, my tv boyfriend, holy fucking shit

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