Fic: Take Me Away to Paradise

May 09, 2011 08:36

A/N: For elrhiarhodan , who prompted me with " Neal - on the terrace." Title is a lyric to that paean to ennui and masturbation, Green Day's "Longview."


Neal dozes on a chaise on the balcony of his apartment, robe pulled haphazardly around him on a sunny mid-June morning. It’s Sunday and he is still exhausted from a long case that had culminated the night before in an elaborate sting on an identity theft ring that was fronted by a children’s charity. When all was said and done, he hadn’t arrived home until close to 3:00 am, and so he has decided a lazy Sunday is just what the doctor ordered.

He hovers in a sort of limbo, asleep and yet not; aware of his surroundings, but it is as if they are merely suggestions. The sun is a warm caress, a pleasant breeze blows and he is taken back to a similarly warm afternoon not long ago, when he and Kate had taken a weekend to get away from the city.

Neal dreams a semi-waking dream, reliving that beautiful, cloudless Sunday. They’d rented a boat out of City Island and sailed around Long Island Sound. He had lain on the boat’s deck, clad in a linen shirt and swim trunks, soaking up the sun’s warmth and enjoying the scent of the sea breeze.

“Oh, look what I’ve found,” Kate had said in a childish voice, the one that made Neal’s dick jump every time. He opened his eyes to find her kneeling beside him. He opened his mouth to say something, but she put a finger against his lips, which he kissed. She settled down next to him and kissed him while her hand traveled down his torso and into his trunks.

Neal throws his robe wide at the memory, stroking the fine hairs on his belly his thumb, working his hand under the waistband of his sleep pants.

Kate had touched him just like that, her tiny hand encircling the shaft of his penis, bringing it out into the air as she pushed his swim trunks down. Neal had raised himself up, tried to turn her onto her back, but this was her show, and she’d pressed him back down to the boat’s deck with a grin and a kiss on the tip of his nose.

Neal’s dick is hard as he remembers the feeling of Kate’s mouth on him that afternoon. She’d just sipped from a frozen margarita and so her lips and tongue were still cool, but the heat of her mouth and breath soon prevailed. The dual sensations had been maddening and all too fleeting.

Neal sighs as he ghosts his fingertips over the head of his cock where it now lies across his belly; he throws his other arm over his eyes.

Kate’s tongue had teased him in a similar fashion, her tiny tongue darting out to lick at the precum, like a cat licking at a saucer of cream. She’d gotten him so worked up he’d reached down and put his hand in her hair, fingertips digging lightly into her scalp.

“So impatient,” she’d scolded and with a lascivious grin, she finally took his entire length into her mouth. She sucked, licked, kissed him, until finally he’d come, his juices splattering across his belly, which she’d also licked at daintily like a cat, and he could’ve sworn at the time she’d actually purred.

Neal is awake now, can feel he is close to coming, so he takes his hand away and rests it beneath his lower back. He breathes in slowly through his nose, lets it out just as slowly through pursed lips. His cock is throbbing, aching, but he just stays like that and breathes. In. Out. In.

He never comes when he dreams of Kate. He can’t, he won’t. Because she’s gone and he’s not and it is only fitting that his whole body should mourn her.


Thank you for your time.

character: neal caffrey, activity: mmom, character: kate moreau, fandom: white collar, genre: angst, pairing: neal/kate

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