White Collar Haikus

Jan 03, 2011 07:32

On the Eleventh Day of Ficmas, my true love gave to me...the inspiration for these (corny) haikus. "Enjoy."

Blue eyes, dazzling smile.
He won’t lie to you, but his
hand’s in your pocket.

Our Agent in Charge.
If anyone can catch Neal,
Peter will, always.

Beautiful, smart, the
heart of the operation.
Keeps Peter in line.

Best friend, accomplice.
He’s got Neal’s back, as long as
he can drink his wine.

Take-charge, sexy, smart.
You know she’ll wear the hat and
then she’ll bust your ass.

An ageless beauty;
landlord or partner in crime?
Pass the Parcheesi.

Sexy Agent Jones.
Whatever, Travolta, just
slip on the handcuffs!

White Collar
Our fave obsession.
Eastin, give us what we want:
More shirtless Bomer.


Thank you for your time!

genre: poetry, character: diana berrigan, fics, fandom: white collar, character: june, character: clinton jones, character: elizabeth burke, character: peter burke, character: neal caffrey, activity: 12 days of ficmas 2010, character: moz

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