Pinto Fic: The Pleasure of Your Company

Oct 09, 2014 06:46

Title: The Pleasure of Your Company
Fandom: Pinto
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 30k
Tags: Woke up married trope, slow build, the boys are clueless, friends to lovers, schmoop, weddings, basically if this was a het story it’d star Katherine Heigl or something and gross $20 mil its first weekend.
Summary: Chris and Zach get drunk-married in Vegas during the filming of the third Trek film, then have to live with the consequences when the news hits the tabloids.

Notes: From this prompt on the Pinto Kink Meme.

For the sake of this fic, we’ll assume that there is marriage equality in the great state of Nevada, m’kay?


“Last night, at the ceremony, you said you hoped that the Green Lantern ring would suffice, and you presented it to Mr. Quinto on bended knee,” Reverend James explained.

“I what?”

“He what?”

“You were very concerned with the legality as well, but really, the ring is just a formality. It’s the paperwork and the ceremony that make it all legal.”

“Make what all legal?” Zach asked and Chris didn’t think the shade of grey he’d turned could be any kind of indicator of good health.

“Why, your marriage, of course!” the reverend said with a laugh.

“Our… our… ” Zach turned wide eyes in Chris’s direction. “Chris?”

“Mazel tov?” Chris said as Zach hit the floor.

fandom: pinto, fics, genre: fluff, pairing: chris/zach, character: zachary quinto, genre: humor, genre: au/crack, character: chris pine

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