Star Trek Reboot Fic: Next Best Destiny Chapter 4

Jan 30, 2014 13:40

Title: Next Best Destiny - Chapter 4/?
Fandom: Reboot
Rating: PG-13 for now
Characters/Pairings: Eventual Jim/Spock; Bones; Cupcake; Sulu; Chekov; Winona; Gaila; Gary Mitchell; original characters
Spoilers: Star Trek (2009)
Content Notice: Canon divergence; slow build; really dubious science
Summary: AU in which Spock is Captain and Jim the (geeky) new officer in Sciences.

Chapter 4: Jim makes some more friends.

character: jim kirk, fics, fandom: star trek reboot, character: spock, character: gary mitchell, character: gaila, genre: au/crack, genre: canon divergence

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