Ask Me About My Writing

Jan 15, 2014 15:29

As seen on sahiya's, elrhiarhodan's and angelita26's journals!/ I never give up the opportunity to navel-gaze ( Read more... )

meme me, mental wanking, fics, writing

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Comments 24

elrhiarhodan January 15 2014, 20:35:31 UTC
When writing Neal and Henri, what are your rules?

Also, if I may have a second question, tell me three things about WC fic #99.


rabidchild January 15 2014, 20:59:58 UTC
Rules for Neal and Henri...

1. The stories will always remain rated G (there are kids watching!)

2. Henri will always learn a lesson, and so will Neal.

3. Neal is most definitely the father in that relationship, Henri the son (even though ironically, Henri has fathered kittens, and Neal is childless).

4. Henri's voice sounds exactly like the way I talk to my pets, hence some of my creative spellingks.

WC Fic #99 is the first part of a Glee/White Collar crossover wherein Neal needs a High School Diploma to work at the FBI and he elects to finish his Senior year at his alma mater, McKinley High (don't ask why he doesn't just get his GED in NY - shhh!). It's called Ol’ Blue Eyes Is Back1. I had a whole series planned out for this! In ch 3, Peter and the entire team come to Lima to work a case, the kids are intrigued by all the mysterious people coming to see Neal but he won't tell them anything about it, Brittany and Mercedes take it upon themselves to figure out what's the deal, get captured by the baddies and rescued by Peter ( ( ... )


elrhiarhodan January 15 2014, 21:04:08 UTC
Thank you!

I asked about Henri because I rarely can humor in a continuing series, and it seems that to do so, and do it as well as you do, that you need to have rules about how this has to work.


rabidchild January 15 2014, 21:25:42 UTC
Ah ha... Then I have no rules about that - it's all my own instinct as far as what I think is funny. I've always been that class clown type of person, have always written humor into things, even as a child, have always had a well-developed affinity for the absurd. But I have also made a study of humor - quite a lot, actually - reading essayists and listening/watching countless hours of standup, especially in my very formative years. Not a lot of my peers were listening to Woody Allen and Steve Martin albums when I was 9, but we had that stuff on all the time in my house, and it's probably that level of exposure that has helped a lot.


pooh_collector January 15 2014, 20:46:05 UTC
Undeniable Chemistry?

How did you come up with pairing and how did you make it so darn believable?


rabidchild January 15 2014, 21:09:24 UTC
The pairing came from a prompt from hoosierbitch, who, after "As You Were" and the wonderful scenes between Jones and Neal in that episode, wanted some Neal/Jones pr0n and I was happy to oblige. I swear I didn't mean for it to turn into 17 chapters!

When I write that series, I make the characters lots gentler than they are on the show, because they have to be in order to love and put up with each other. I have a very soft spot in my heart for Jones in that series, because he is a man who loves very, very deeply - like his life depends on it - and he just can't believe he got this amazing man to fall for him. For Neal, he's kind of the leader since he's got a lot more experience at relationships, but he sees Jones as the salvation he's always longed for, and the man who loves him no matter what his past was. I dunno, I think they're both aspects of my own personality, so writing them is pretty easy. I'm flattered you find it believable - it's just me writing what feels right.


coffeethyme4me January 15 2014, 21:03:13 UTC
Speaking from Jim's point of view, what's the best thing about giving Spock head?


rabidchild January 15 2014, 21:17:55 UTC
The sounds he... doesn't make. Spock tries to be this perfect Vulcan, so he doesn't make a sound. But Jim knows how to get other types of reactions from him - a stuttering intake of breath here, tensed abs there, a few curled toes. He likes to draw it out as long as he can, keep Spock right on the edge. AS soon as Spock makes any kind of sound, Jim will make him come. So naturally, Spock keeps quiet as long as he can.

It's kind of a symbiotic thing...


coffeethyme4me January 15 2014, 21:35:52 UTC
UNF! Bitchin' answer. THANK YOU! *drools on self*


sinfulslasher January 15 2014, 21:18:47 UTC
This ties in with Elr's initial question, but I'd love it if you expanded on the character of Henri. Anything and everything you can/want to share. :)

Also, if I may, one of my all-time fave fic of yours is Where The Lovelight Gleams. Neal & Diana friendship FTW! ♥ Tell me what happened after the story ended? Or anything else you'd like to share, really.


rabidchild January 15 2014, 21:35:04 UTC
Henri is all id. But id with heart. He does what he does because he is a cat and that's what they do, but Neal is always there to remind him that his actions have consequences and to teach him a bit about what it's like to be a good person.

The highest honor in Henri's estimation is to think of someone else as a cat; Neal is the only person he ascribes this to (hence his portrait of Neal). Neal knows this and is flattered. On a certain level, Neal lives to please Henri, so when Henri does something to please him, he gets like this pleasure feedback loop in his Neal brain and he's warm and fuzzy-feeling for days ( ... )


sinfulslasher January 15 2014, 21:43:39 UTC
Oh damn you! Now I want Neal & Diana slumber party fic in my life! LIEK NAOH! And them picking up ladies for each other in bars and night clubs! Ack!!! *impatiently waits for RC's next prompt fest/story meme/plunneh adoption entry*

Love the insight on Henri, and the concept of the pleasure feedback loop for Neal. D'aww! ♥ Those two are totes made for each other. :)

On the subject of awesome animals...any news on the happy panda family? *sneakily sneaks in more questions, all sneaky-like*


rabidchild January 16 2014, 13:16:25 UTC
Alas, the Happy Panda family's fun tiemz will remain a one shot. Suffice to say, Mama Elizabeth, Papas Peter and Neal and Baby Satchmo live happily ever after - together.


dennih23 January 15 2014, 21:21:58 UTC
I love your Kid Neal Chronicles - what is your inspiration?


rabidchild January 15 2014, 21:41:42 UTC
The original story was like a total brainwave - have you ever just had what you think is the most brilliant idea and you just feel like your heart is going to burst out of your chest if you don't do something about it immediately? That was what that story did to me. I literally dropped everything and plotted the entire thing over the course of an afternoon. It was just something I'd never seen before, you know? I've seen lots of deaged fics, but the person always was cured in the end. I decided to explore what might happen if that cure never came - what then?

One of my favorite things to do is to take tropes and give them a new (at least to me) spin, hence deaged Neal never gets fixed, and sex swapped Neal suddenly has all these feels about losing his lady virginity. IDK - i'm weird that way.

As for the other stories for kid!Neal, I honestly look to the children in my life for inspiration. My friend has a 7-yr old and he's a perfect little model.


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