Alcatraz Rules & Regs Playing Cards Prompting Meme

Nov 03, 2013 22:20


So I won qwertyfaced's drabble challenge at the WC Fandom Meetup today, and my prize was a souvenir pack of playing cards from Alcatraz which have the rules and regulations from the prison printed on each one. Here's a sample, from one of the two jokers:

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meme me, activity: promptfest, me - a challenge?, fics

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Comments 49

qwertyfaced November 4 2013, 03:29:46 UTC
...I want the Joker in the picture! And I would love WC, please. :D


For QWERTY: Joker rabidchild November 4 2013, 05:01:15 UTC
The prompt: You are not allowed to change or alter your issue clothing ( ... )


Re: For QWERTY: Joker kanarek13 November 4 2013, 08:09:50 UTC
Awwww, the lovely beginnings when they are still figuring stuff out, aww ♥ There is nothing more fine than Neal in a well-tailored suit :P


Re: For QWERTY: Joker rabidchild November 7 2013, 19:33:32 UTC
I know! I think this is my head canon now.


angelita26 November 4 2013, 03:53:35 UTC
The three of hearts please! (This is awesome!!)

(P.S. brain surgery fic? :( )


For angel: 3 of hearts rabidchild November 4 2013, 12:47:57 UTC
"The institution provides all your needs."

“Mozzie,” Jeffries said to the small boy, who turned in his seat and blinked up at him through the ridiculous glasses that were all Jeffries could afford for him. Not for the first time, Jeffries was struck by his resemblance to an owl.

“Yeth, Mr. Jeffrieth?” Moz’s attempts to eradicate his lisp were still futile.

“I was wondering where all the comic books I saw in the rec room came from. Amy Lynn said you bought them.”

“Brought, Mr. Jeffrieth. I found them next to a dumpthter behind the drug thtore.”

“Really? Including Justice Lad Issue 11?” Jeffries knew that issue - the one that introduced Justice Lad’s ultimate nemesis (and sometime girlfriend), Feline Fatale; he’d had it as a child himself, and knew it would be worth way more than its 25-cent price tag ( ... )


Re: For angel: 3 of hearts kanarek13 November 4 2013, 12:58:17 UTC
D'awwww, little Moz ♥ Taking care of the other kids... and totally spending money on comic books ♥ Awww :D

This is wonderful :D I now have an image of little Moz with those huge glasses and missing a front tooth :P


Re: For angel: 3 of hearts rabidchild November 7 2013, 19:35:27 UTC
He's so cute, wee!Moz!


pooh_collector November 4 2013, 03:53:38 UTC
Ace of Spades, please!


For pooh: Ace of Spades rabidchild November 6 2013, 18:41:12 UTC
“When you talk in the cellhouse, talk quietly. Do not create a disturbance.”

“Well, we’re good and stuck here, Neal,” Moz regretfully informed his friend and protégé as he returned to their hiding place in the museum’s storeroom. Dammit, he was going to kill Heshie for the bad intel - the security system of the place had clearly been recently upgraded, and he and Neal were stuck there until morning. He hoped the tight space behind the back wall here would remain undetected by the guards.

“Shit,” Neal muttered, and shivered, and for the first time Moz noticed he was sweating - really sweating. He sat hugging ( ... )


Re: For pooh: Ace of Spades pooh_collector November 6 2013, 19:46:44 UTC

Not just sick fic, but singing sick fic!!!

Of course we do know that Neal is quite adept at creating a disturbance when he's not himself.

Thank you RC!


Re: For pooh: Ace of Spades rabidchild November 7 2013, 19:37:03 UTC
You're welcome!


sinfulslasher November 4 2013, 06:40:14 UTC
Awesome idea!!!!

May I have the king Jack of Hearts, please? WC, obviously. :)

(changed to Jack because, well, that's Neal to me...*g*)


maiac November 4 2013, 11:55:56 UTC
Since the Jack is also called the Knave, it's definitely Neal. :-)


sinfulslasher November 4 2013, 12:07:11 UTC
Hmmmm...knight!Peter and knave!Neal AU...


For sinfulslasher: Jack of Hearts rabidchild November 6 2013, 21:44:02 UTC
“You are not allowed to have money of any kind in your possession while in this Institution ( ... )


kanarek13 November 4 2013, 08:08:30 UTC
What a great idea \o/

Uhm, I'll go with the first that comes to mind, seven of spades, WC of course ♥


For Kanarek13: 7 of spades rabidchild November 7 2013, 13:51:42 UTC
“Do not jostle or engage in horseplay with others.”

(Or: the obligatory Peter/Neal rough sex fill \o/)

How it devolves so quickly, Peter can’t really say. All he knows is that when he finally has the time to think, he’s wiping cum off his tie and Neal is looking up at him with a smirk on his face that’s so debauched and triumphant that Peter can only blink at him stupidly.

“I want to know what the hell you thought you were doing out there?” Peter practically screams, grabbing Neal’s arm and spinning him around. It’s late - very late, and while Neal's exposing his undercover status to their latest perp ultimately had led to an arrest, it didn’t make it (or the guns that had been drawn any less dangerous.

“Solving this unsolvable case for you,” he says, full of cocky swagger. “You’re welcome, by the way.”

“You know that’s not my point - you know -“ Peter can’t say the words, you might have been killed. But Neal isn’t hearing Peter, or noticing the fact he’s upset. His face is alight with an inner energy and he clearly just doesn’t ( ... )


Re: For Kanarek13: 7 of spades kanarek13 November 7 2013, 14:03:50 UTC
Ha! Now tell me I don't have luck in cards \o/ Heeeeeeeeeee ♥ OMG, this is so perfect, hot, GUH, da bunk, I shouldn't be reading this at work, SQUEEE!

Thank you so much! \o/ *happy dance*


Re: For Kanarek13: 7 of spades rabidchild November 7 2013, 19:39:31 UTC
You are most welcome!


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