Who Knew Billy Shakes Was So Freaking Fabulous? A Meme

Apr 22, 2013 15:21

So, I'm poking around on Thesaurus.com (because when you're writing Spock dialogue, you need SYNONYMS!), and this week is apparently William Shakespeare's bday. Happy 449th, yo ( Read more... )

meme me, like i have time for this, me - a challenge?

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Comments 29

kanarek13 April 22 2013, 19:28:52 UTC
Awwww... hmmmm.

Peter/Neal - droplet :)


For kanarek13: Peter/Neal droplet; NC-17 rabidchild April 22 2013, 20:09:05 UTC
This went WAY off the rails… I should warn for fisting ( ... )


Re: For kanarek13: Peter/Neal droplet; NC-17 surreal_44 April 22 2013, 20:15:22 UTC
*squeals* Bottom!Peter! <3

This is so hot!


Re: For kanarek13: Peter/Neal droplet; NC-17 kanarek13 April 22 2013, 20:18:31 UTC
Oh, WOW... so damn UNF. I love it how it isn't clear who is on the receiving end up until the last few sentences :D

Plus, definitely the kind of droplet I was thinking about. Our brains jumped on the same train of thought today :D :D :D

Thank you. WOW :D \o/


(The comment has been removed)

For attackfish: Sara-Moz swagger rabidchild April 23 2013, 20:43:39 UTC

He looks at her, amazed. Even at this age, she’s a spitfire. She conducts herself with a confidence, a swagger most men his age could only dream of and what did the docs say she was? Five?

He’s supposed to be looking for a cure, a way to reverse this curse and make her whole again, but right now, Neal's got him on babysitting duty while he’s off with Peter looking for their perp, and it’s all he can do to keep up with the tiny redhead.

“Unca Moz,” she says, hand on a hip that is thrown out confidently. “Why for you stand dere?”

“I… thought I was supposed to be the mighty oak under which the Princess Sara was taking shelter from the evil King?”

“You’re doing it wrong. You’re supposed to be mighty“Mighty is in the eye of the beholder. Isn’t it supposed to be your nap time ( ... )


Re: For attackfish: Sara-Moz swagger lauracollared April 24 2013, 01:44:22 UTC
omg! cute! haha! :D


aragarna April 22 2013, 19:34:44 UTC
Peter/El - Bedazzle
Because I love the way that word sounds and I had to look it up. Now I know a new word. Will have to try and use it in a next fic! :D


For aragarna: Peter/El – Bedazzle rabidchild April 25 2013, 07:48:34 UTC
IDK, I know nothing of ice skating…


She sure had come a long way.

A long way from the days her mom would hand-sew her costumes and decorate them with her “As Seen On TV” Bedazzler; a long way from when she first set foot on the ice at the age of 3, fascinated by the Olympians she’d seen on TV; a long way from Tempe, Arizona ( ... )


Re: For aragarna: Peter/El – Bedazzle aragarna April 25 2013, 08:28:45 UTC
Heeeee cute! Love it! Thanks :-)

Love Peter's last comment. *g* though I do have a hard time picturing Peter on ivs skates... lol


Re: For aragarna: Peter/El – Bedazzle surreal_44 April 25 2013, 14:24:35 UTC
This was adoooooorable!!!!!!


surreal_44 April 22 2013, 19:42:34 UTC
Threesome? Alex/El/Peter (or just Alex/El) -- Foul-mouthed


For surreal: Alex/El/Peter -- Foul-mouthed rabidchild April 25 2013, 08:02:41 UTC
You guys, IDEK

“Sperm-burping whore.”

Alex blinked. “Wow. That’s. Wow.”

Elizabeth smiled proudly; Peter had long fled the room when their foul-off had reached round 4. Alex wracked her brain - she had to top it, El had her smug face on, the one she got when she’d talk Peter into something, and Alex needed to take it away.

“Cum-gargling knob-gobbler!” she blurted.

El’s eyes widened, but then she crowed in triumph, pouncing on her. “You already used knob-gobbler. You’re disqualified. Game, set, and match.”

“Shit! Shit, shit, shit!” Alex said, squirming beneath El, who was now straddling her thighs in the bed. Knowing she’d been beaten, though, she soon stilled and braced herself, closing her eyes. “Do your worst,” she said grimly.

El went to town.

“You know, oral sex is not a valid price for a bet if you both enjoy it,” Peter observed dryly from the doorway some minutes later. He held a glass of water in one hand and his cock in the other.

“Shut up, Hon, and do me from behind.”

Alex loved her life.


Re: For surreal: Alex/El/Peter -- Foul-mouthed surreal_44 April 25 2013, 14:23:40 UTC
Heeeeee! <3 This is pretty much what I had envisioned you would do.

I love Alex's life too. -happy sigh-


elrhiarhodan April 22 2013, 19:49:00 UTC
Henri-Neal: Well-bred


maiac April 22 2013, 20:49:51 UTC


elrhiarhodan April 22 2013, 20:54:55 UTC
I hope RC fills it. Because she's brilliant and I can't get enough of Henri.

/end shameless pandering to RC's ego


sinfulslasher April 23 2013, 06:33:34 UTC
I came here to prompt this very thing, so yay! Thank you, brain twin! *fist bump*


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