A meme! A meme!

Sep 08, 2012 09:34

Why do I do these things to myself, why, why, why? They're like potato chips. Blame dmk0064

Comment to this post and I will (to the best of my ability)...

1. Tell you why I friended you. If I remember.
2. Associate you with something.
3. Tell you something I like about you.
4. Tell you a memory I have of you.
5. Associate you with a character/pairing.
6. Ask ( Read more... )

meme me, winterstar owns me, mental wanking

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Comments 43

elrhiarhodan September 8 2012, 13:41:07 UTC


rabidchild September 8 2012, 14:05:43 UTC
1. So I could read ALL THE FIC.
2. V. sensual porn.
3. You are one of the most generous people I know.
4. Too many to count, but my favorite thing is when you help me work out plot points for stories and encourage going forward even when I know what I'm writing is SHITE.
5. Neal/Peter, naturally
6. How can I entice you to write K/S?
7. Anything involving Matt Bomer's crotch.


elrhiarhodan September 8 2012, 15:30:10 UTC
I may be bought with your very special crack and an easy prompt or two, after the move.

You going to play on mine?


winterstar95 September 8 2012, 13:54:57 UTC
Oksy here I am ready for it!!!!


rabidchild September 8 2012, 14:08:31 UTC
1. It's the same reason I friend anyone - to get ALL THE FIC.
2. Dark and twisty H/C, the kind I wish I could write but know I'm only pretending.
3. Your sense of humor. Any mother that can refer to her children as "savages" is OK in my book.
4. You made me feel better about a difficulty I was having with a story I wrote - you know the one. You talked me off a ledge, my friend.
5. Peter/Neal. When with more porn?
6. Were we, perhaps, twins separated at birth?
7. Neal in the hat - I still have mine, do you have yours?


winterstar95 September 8 2012, 14:17:00 UTC
Actually I am writing the porn right now...heehee! Well right after I froze him.

<---That one?


rabidchild September 8 2012, 14:25:06 UTC
You froze him TOO?

I say it again: marry me.


(The comment has been removed)

rabidchild September 8 2012, 19:19:03 UTC
1. I actually just added you - how had I not done that in the past? *hangs head in shame*
2. Some stunning fills on the kink meme - just stunning. Your essays on disability are truly thought-provoking and have changed my outlook.
3. I like your sense of humor.
4. You were one of the first peeps to comment on my fics, so thank you!
5. Neal Caffrey.
6. Where are you, geographically? I am always interested to know where all people are. I promise I am not being stalkery. Also: you don't have to answer.
7. I do love your main icon, because I know you created it yourself and I admire such talent.


frith_in_thorns September 8 2012, 15:06:30 UTC
Please? :)


rabidchild September 8 2012, 19:29:17 UTC
1. THE FIC, darling! You are one of the few writers for whom I get notifications in my personal e-mail, that's how much I NEED to read it!
2. The British Library!
3. I love your personality. You're the little sister (or perhaps daughter - I'm a lot older, LOL) that I wish I had. Alas, I was always the little sis.
4. That smoking Neal/Gordon Taylor fic - did you ever publish that? I feel like I was leading you astray, encouraging you to write smut, but it is so good!
5. The way you write Neal is so sensitive, so that's the one.
6. Will you write more slash or OT3? I don't even really want sex, I just love how you convey people's internal thoughts, and I know you say you don't write relationships well, but you do, you do!
7. That WC "3 is Family" one.


frith_in_thorns September 9 2012, 14:33:46 UTC
Awwww *hugs* ♥

I have not posted that fic yet, no. Still not happy with it :P I do intend to eventually...
And I'm sure I shall write more ship-fic at some point. I do default to gen unless I have a story idea/prompt that specifically requires relationship, but when I come across more of those I'll write them :) I am (very) slowly getting more confident about writing ship...


aragarna September 8 2012, 15:19:39 UTC
eh eh that reminds me the "friends" book we were doing in High School. ^^


rabidchild September 8 2012, 19:37:21 UTC
1. The ART! I just LOVE your stuff, honestly.
2. Simple, clean work.
3. Your enthusiasm for our fandom.
4. IDK if I'd say I have one, other than your terrific talent, but you are also a wonderful commenter on people's stories, and that's really appreciated by all of us, you have no idea. We all live for feedback, and each one I get from you is a gift, honestly.
5. Neal Caffrey, of course!
6. Are you a professional graphic designer?
7. I love that one of Peter that says, "cocktail?" I was needing just such a one!


aragarna September 9 2012, 13:23:57 UTC
thank you !! :-)

Oh no I'm not a professional designer. Though some days I think I should have chosen that path... I'm a geologist and cosmochemist (yeah I like that big word. Sounds serious!)
Yeah the "cocktail" one is one of my favorite too. I need to update my collection but I'll definitely keep that one. :D


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