What's in YOUR Wallet... of WiPs?

May 08, 2012 15:50

You guys!

Sorry I haven't been that productive lately, but I'm working, I swear. It's just that everything I'm working on is for challenges or Big Bangs, so they take time and also? I can't post for weeks. Ah, me...

So here's my Fic To Do List...what's on yours?
  • casestory  Big Bang: I've been whinging about this one for weeks, but it's nearly done. It's a crossover between WC and Grimm. It's also got some juicy H/C. WHEE - Just finished this as of May 12!
  • Fill 1 for Whump-a-Palooza: Neal is immortal! It doesn't mean his life automatically fails to suck. Also fills the "gaining/losing immortality" square for dark bingo \o/ And I get to write consequence-free deathfic! Who's more excited than me?
  • Fill 2 for Whump-a-Palooza: OK, so, I'm anal and HAD TO take the last remaining slot. This is a story in my good pal dmk0064 's "Empathia" 'verse and I'll say no more. Except I whump the hell outta Peter.
  • My WC Big Bang. OK, so what if I outlined this prequel to What's the Price of Heroes last year?
  • Undeniable Chemistry Chapter 13! I have left my lovely Neal/Clint story hanging - we have a wedding to plan, GD it, but first there's that little dangling plot thread of Matthew Keller still being on the loose!
  • My long-threatened sequel to Stranger in a Strange Land ...Peter/Tim style.
  • My wcpairings fic, but I don't know what it will be, and even if I did, I can't tell you because shhhhh... it's a secret.

fandom: grimm, ennwheeeee!, mental wanking, fics, fandom: white collar

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