(no subject)

Jul 22, 2011 17:18

WHEW! What a day!

I just got back from doing all sorts of things, and I may be down to my last reserves of energy!

Well, probably not, but drama's fun sometimes, don't you think?

I was nice and ran some errands for my mom today, and that took me all over the place. She would've had to take up a lot of the weekend doing them herself, and well, it's always good to suck up to your mom, right?! Especially when she's helping pay for a wedding!

I've decided on the second color, in case anyone's interested (I never know without comments, you know). It's going to be silver! My mom and I went last weekend to try some things out, and it was her idea to try silver, and I think it looks perfect! It's going to be so pretty! Sometimes I wish I didn't have to wait for over a year, but then I realize how much work still has to be done and how much I still have to do to make you all tired of wedding talk!

Kristy and I went out awhile back to do some browsing and stuff since she's getting married too, and it was fun! She's always hyper too, so it worked out very well! Her colors are really pretty too! Aren't weddings great?

Oh! Mom's home! I have to tell her how good I was today!
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