I like my test results like I like my coffee: COVERED IN BEES

Jun 25, 2009 01:49


I'm not sure why, but I feel urpy and exhausted. It's hot and muggy in the house, and the air conditioning is only on during the day just enough to take the edge off of the humidity. I'm cooking up a storm every day ('course, in weather like this, cooking = cutting up raw veggies and making various cold salads) and making little clay thingies by night... but I'm still bored and twitchy. It's too frigging hot/humid to go out for long walks, so it looks like I'm going to have to suck it up and start using the pool for exercise.

...I hate to admit it, but I'm a bit of a swim purist. I loves to swim in the lakes in my hometown (clear, clean and plentiful!) and cholorinated pools just seem... not quite right. Bah.

Things of minor interest:

1) Plants vs Zombies has gone from Incredibly Fun to Mildly irritating. I'm leaning towards blaming my irritation of my general current crotchiness at the world, because it was a fun little game.
2) My brother is turning 37 on Sunday. I traded in some of my stuff and got him a game as a Father's Day/Birthday present. Bah.
3) My Mom loves having the baby around (natch) and all sorts of fun grandma-hormones are popping up, making her all kinds of happy. This is good! Maybe she will give up on her dreams of ME popping out a ~*~magical future baby~*~  and focus on the one she gets to play with now. OH I DO SO HOPE.
4) I posted a bunch of my lil' Cthulhu's to the Craftgrrl community and a lot of people thought that the light purple ones were actually pink... so I went and made 7 adorably, disgustingly cute little pink Elder Gods (only one of which is disgruntled and covered in blood! A new record!)
5) Went for a career-counceling appointment today and took one of 'those' test. You know the ones where you have 75+ multiple-choice questions regarding what you enjoy doing? Yeah, one of those. Last time I did one of those was back in High School where I was told that I should look into being a nutricionist (ha!).

This time around was much better.. if only because it felt as though it was taken directly out of an Eddie Izzard sketch.

The #1 career choice for me, based on my interests?


What do you want to do?
I want to fill animals with sand! I want to put more sand in an animal than anyone has every done before!! I want to put the whole of the Gobi desert inside a RAT!

Then it goes on to list animator, desktop publisher, vet technician and then....


I want to keep bees! I want to keep them! Keep them from getting away!

I could be... (wait for it) COVERED IN BEES

Oh, that was great. Apparently I could also be interested in a career as a mortician or a crew member on a ship or a botanist. *L* As far as interesting career choices, I think I lucked out on that test. Dead people, ships, plants, bees, stuffed animals, sick animals, data entry, publishing... So wacky and weird and wonderful.


Is it weird that mortuary-work is weirdly interesting to me? I think it might take me a bit to get over the creepy-factor (me being She-Who-Jumps-At-Noises-And-Shadows), but I doubt it would ever get boring. Unfortunately, my sense of smell is way WAY too sensitive and I'd probably go nuts from the various stinks that would (definitely) come up.


Oh, and tonight's episode of So You Think You Can Dance (oh god, it's my dirty-little shameful secret! It's horrible crack, I tells you! DON'T LOOK AT ME) was FRIGGING HORRIBLE. Eight dances, only two were mildly interesting. They had one judge whom I hate with a passion, so we fast-forwarded every time she started to talk. The music for nearly every dance was badwrong, the dancing was bad and... by the end of it, everyone felt as though we had wasted 1.5 hours of our lives. I'm looking forward to tomorrow's episode, just to see who gets booted off!

I think we were spoiled by last year's dancers. They were actually GOOD.

Ung. Still feeling not-quite-right.
Time to take some allergy meds and have a cold shower to cool down a bit and then try to see if sleep will help me feel better.


So I had a shower and managed to completely forget about the large, open wounds on the backs of my heels (why thank you, Interview Shoes! You are so pretty, but why must you strip all layers of skin off of my heels?). Luckily the water + the dissolved salts from my skin helped to remind me with sharp, insistent throbbing pains! Hooray!

And then I got to discover a huge and large and big bug bite just below my left knee. Frigging thing was itchy and sore... so I had the bright idea to put some Bye-Bye-Byte on it. WITH THE GOO CAME THE BURNING WITH NO RELIEF IN SIGHT. So now I have a glob of goo covered by a bright purple bandaid which is simultaneously burning AND itching.

That shower was such a not good idea. Bleh.
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