Okay! Who wants some more posts? I know I do!
Seriously. I post next to nothing for 3 months and then all of a sudden: HAY INTERNETS! I AM BOTH ALIVE AND HAVE SOME THINGS TO SHARE!
So, one of my less-destructive and less nap-oriented hobbies is going Geo-Caching with me friend Mellon. Geocaching means that you go online, look up co-ordinates for something some other GC-er has left behind and you go tromping around in the wilderness looking at your GPS, trying to find those hidden things and cursing at satellites, fallen trees and dead leaves. If you're lucky, you find the hidden cache!
Once found, you write your team's name in the logbook provided with the cache, take something (if there's something worth taking) and swap it out for something of your own. Then you put the cache back, kinda-hide it and then go on to your next adventure!
Here's the view from around one of the caches. Found a neat little bridge that we never knew existed. We also found a tracker! Much fun, it was.
This bridge had the tiniest little path with high bars. *L* No incredibly large people were getting through there, I betcha! Hell, it was a bit of a squeeze for Mellon and I!
Mellon found the cache which was... really not hidden all that well. She did a much better job of hiding it when we left.
Meet the Dutch Beer Travel Bug! These little doodads are things that sometimes pop up in caches. Some have stories (ours apparently likes beer. Whodathunkit?), and some have objectives (like crossing the country, going as far as possible...etc).
What you do when you find one of them is go online, log that you have it and then shove it in a different cache within 2 weeks of finding it.
...or else they explode or something.
Ah, the Morningstar Mill. A neat enough place, full of rocks and trees and trees and rocks and rocks and trees and trees and rocks and waterrrrrrrrrrr.
While walking behind a family, we were apparently too quietly ninja-like for their jumpy dog to handle (odd, since we were shuffling along and talking normally) and the blasted thing lunged and nearly bit Mellon as we passed them. Nice!
The hills are alive...with the sounds of us cliiiiiiimbing!
Seriously, we went looking for one cache, decided to climb down into the ravine by the brook, walked for a bit...and then realized that the cache was somewhere up where we had been before! Cue us clambering and climbing and sqwelching our way back up the hill, using rocks and trees and vines for handholds. FUN!
This lady is like a machine! Me, I can never find caches... unless they're amazingly obvious and decked out in christmas lights or something.
Geocaching is awesome fun. If you have access to some friends, an internet connection and a GPS, YOU HAVE NO REASON NOT TO GO.
Edited due to me repeating the same words over and over again and not making sense for a big part of the post. Me, I blame the pain medication.