5 Statements

Apr 29, 2009 20:14

1)M temp totally and utterly fucked up everything she touched. I kid you not. My PMs have been more than over joyed at the fact that I've been back - even though it has only been for 2 days a week. They have a new appreciation for all that I do for them. One told me that I spoil them, one told me that it was a determent to have the temp there and that they would've been better off with no one at all. Not one of them, nor my supervisor had anything positive to say about my temp. I have quite a job ahead of me of cleaning up everything she did in the system. It was like she had no training, had no notes, and had no resources - when in fact she had ample training (I think like 5 weeks), had taken 2 1/2 notepads of notes, and had my supervisor and two other PAs to ask questions of. Needless to say I'm less than pleased at her lack of work ethic and ability. My new mantra however,"I'm just glad to have a job" is keeping me from totally losing it.

2) A close friend of my sister's is in the hospital and has been for like 3 weeks. First ICU, than CCU, and now in a regular room. I don't particularly like the person, but I love my sister and it is an incredibly hard time for her right now. As always, I wish I could just make everything better for her.

3)Xandman is growing and doing fine. I'm not. I'm frustrated at the whole breastfeeding thing, but I don't want to formula only feed him for the bonding and health that breastfeeding entails. It's a double edge sword to say the least.

4) I think something is wrong with me. I'm dizzy off and on for like the last week or two. I'm getting plenty of water so I can't be dehydrated. I'm tired to the point of tuning everything out exhausted. I'm so tired that when I speak in the evenings I feel like my words are a million miles away from my head - that they aren't coming out of my head at all. I don't like this feeling one bit. I've had some pains in my sides off and on. I have some weird solid white mass coming out of a place solid white masses shouldn't be coming out of. That has been happening off and on for weeks as well. My milk still not where is should be so I'm going to look into taking some things that Betsy had previously suggested. Pumping takes all my break time at work which only contributes to my tiredness.

5) Xander starts daycare on Monday I'm worried and saddened and upset that we have no choice but to send him into the home of a stranger five days a week. I'm going to miss so much of his growing up that I just want to cry.

So that is my present mindset in 5 statements. Maybe in 2 or 3 weeks I'll have another 15 minutes to post. Who am I kidding? I go back to work full time starting next week I'll have even less time to computer. Pooplins

alexander, work, family

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