Apr 01, 2009 11:31
Otay so I decided to begin looking up part time jobs that I could do preferably on weekends and evenings. Did you know that every job requires you to have previous experience, from janitors to dishwashers. WTF? I can clean my house and wash my dishes, why do I need 1-2 years previous work experience to apply for said job?
Thusly I'm in a foul mood. My thought was if I could get a part time job as a second job, then Jamers could stay at part time and we'd only have to pay for part time daycare and he would be able to spend that much more time with Alexander. Well I guess that would be the case if he stays at part time but I'm guessing that is going to be the case. In this economy I just don't see how they'll be able to give him 40 hours anytime soon and we need income now.
Any suggestions as to what an Accountant with 13 years experience can do part time to supplement her income? Maybe I should check out the local movie theaters and see if they have anything open?