When will it end?

Feb 11, 2009 17:03

I had originally planned on working through this week, Friday being my last day before taking my leave. However, I had not planned on the fact that my body would have its own ideas about when I should stop working.

I apparently did not listen to the rather large deal my body made last Friday what with the migraine and all. Monday I went to work and began having contractions around 10:15. They were pretty far apart and definitely mild, but enough of a nuisance that I was like otay, no more work. I stayed through Monday and decided Tuesday morning, that although it gives me less time with Xander on the back end of leave, it was time I stopped going in. The stress of just being there, coupled with my temp's inability to be able to do the simplest things without screwing up was just too much.

How much you might ask? I had a nightmare last night where I went in today to do a few things, and saw that there were like 25 emails from Tuesday, all unread. I asked her, "did you take care of any of the emails?" and she replied,"only the one about dessert." That started the dream on the path of anger. She is holding some folder that looks unfamiliar to me, I ask her what it is? She states that it was some presentation folder she found on the network. I ask her if somebody had asked her to print it? And she said no. So then I ask her if she had started running projected cost reports and billing reports on Tuesday like she was supposed to. She stated, nope. She wasn't sure what to do. Then I started ripping her a new one in regards to how on Monday I told her the the importance of getting the billings out and then projected costs and how could she not have started them? And what was she doing if she wasn't replying to emails and printing things that were completely useless? This went on for about 5 minutes of real time ranting at her about her total lack of common sense.

The sad thing is that she really is like that. So all in all I'm incredibly glad I don't have to be there to continue to hold her hand. She had 5 weeks of training with me everyday and if she doesn't get it by now, she just doesn't get it. We'll see how much of a mess I come back to in a couple of months.

Anyways, so Monday contractions, but the closest they ever got was about an hour apart. Tuesday I had some later in the day and they never got closer than every 3 hours. Today? Not but maybe one or two - but I'm incredibly tired. In fact I can only count on one hand how many times I've been this exhausted before in my life. Jamers has this theory that my body is resting because it knows the energy it will be exerting soon. We'll see. I just want my baby in my arms already. I'm so fricken inpatient.

Well must toodle, Jamers went and picked my up the horrible dinner of my choosing tonight. Large fries, chicken nuggets, cheeseburger and milkshake. Yes I know, but I'm pregnant okay?

baby, work

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