Mar 08, 2008 10:21
1) Getting hired on, effective this coming Monday. Great news, however, I had to keep it hush-hush this week since I don't think they are hiring on the receptionist who started right about the same time as me. That kinda blew chunks since she is the only person at work who I can really talk to. In fact I had to lie to her about it which was just about the worst thing I've done. I hate lying.
2) Gave the doggies a bath because they were starting to smell like doggies again. Now they smells like tropical fruit salads, hmmmmmm . . . ..tropical fruit salads. It was an experience to say the least. It was Honey's first bath here with us, and she dealt with it only slightly better than Shelby. Both dogs seem to have a fear of the bathtub for some odd reason. Really, Honey is afraid of just about everything, but everybody should really be afraid of her. You know those Pitbulls are vicious and evil and they'll rip you to shreds first chance they get. Honestly, I can't wait until better weather so we can take the girls out in public and hopefully show people that Pits are great loving caring dogs that have gotten some pretty bad press. Errrrr, I get angry just thinking about it.
3) I've actually been feeling better since my last period (TMI, sorry). However, the nausea and the headaches and the dizzyness etc, has been gone pretty much ever since. I still plan on getting to a doc as soon as I can (yeah for going perm and getting health insurance) but at least it isn't interfering with my daily life anymore. I think maybe Xine is right when she said it might be my thyroid, but until I get to the doc, who knows?
4) Annie, may or may not be coming up for a weekend during her spring break in a couple of weeks. Money is a factor and even if she can't get up here this month, after she graduates in June she is planning to come up for a visit for sure. We she does get here, we are soooo starting on the backyard! I have been waiting for this and the fact that we will start on it this year just makes me so happy. When the spring/summer of sunnytimes finally arrive spending the weekends in the yard working on it and playing with my girls(Shelbo and Honey-pie) will make all of the crappy winter months just wash away. Although I got to say, I enjoy all the different seasons we get up here. During the winter, I felt totally fine curling up on the cuddler with a blankie (otay I still do that) on the weekends/nights and watching tv with the petlins and Jamers. We've almost finished X-files, I think we are half way through 8th season, we got completely through what we had of That 70's show but we just got season 6 so we are a little behind, and a bunch of other stuff. Anyhoo, point is that as I get lazy and comfy during the winter, during the summer I very much look forward to outside activities and little tv time.
5) What else? I can't think of what else has happened this week. Jamers, I love him so, is gently brushing my hair so we can go shower. I ask you, how many other husbands enjoy brushing their wives hair? Otay, maybe don't answer that. I like to think of it as one of those special bonds between just us things. Well, I'm going to toodle off now so we can ICHC and Engrish before shower time.