
Apr 20, 2006 11:34

1) My lj friend of yesterday, the one with the angry comments, he has gone friends only. Which would be cool and all, but he removed me as well and I can't figure out why. Makes me feel pooplins.

2) We have one of those fax/printer/scanner/copier machines here at work. It was in the middle of printing my check batch, 35 or so checks. About 2/3 of the way in, it receives a fax, and instead of storing it into memory until the check batch is done, it printed the fax on one of the checks. The remaining 1/3 were one check off. I've never seen this happen. The check batch gets sent to the printer in one lump sum, so how the hey could that have happened? That too makes me feel pooplins, although Christine didn't care and told me to just keep the checks as is.

3) Tweed should be getting our application fee any time now. I'm so excited. Looking at the pics of the house, it looks like it is a little more dark than I would've liked, but I'm not complaining. It is quite large and for a year or so we can put up with it. This makes me happy!

4) I've decided based on the pics that we saw and the fact that brand new carpet is getting laid down as I type this, we need to get area rugs. I want one under the dinning room table (we have one now) and one under the couch/coffee table area. That way we can eat without my anal retentiveness rearing it's ugly head. I think our house will also be no shoes inside. That way the carpets stay cleaner, and well, I've watched way too much Fruits Basket. They have "house" shoes, "school" shoes, and outside shoes. I still find that odd, but I'm sure it helps to keep the house nice. So money will need to be spent on rugs, once we get there, but I'll get cool rugs and they will add flare to the house. This makes me happy.

5) Mr. Sunshine is out again today and the office is rather quite. I really want to be out on a walk right now, but it isn't going to happen. However, last night we did get some walking around town in with Lila. It was such a loverly night. I went outide around 9:30 and I didn't get cold. We slept with some of the windows opened. I can't even remember the last time that happened. This made me happy.

6) The house is getting a walk through from the real estate agent in about 15 minutes. It brings the house one step closer to leaving our family. I was thinking about granny again last night and couldn't help but be sad. It would've been so much easier to let the house go if she were still alive. That and I was also thinking, that at least will be in a completely different state and out of town when the new person/people move in. At least that was a comfort, but overall feelings of the pooplins.

7) I love Korn. They are playing on the radio and I just had to put that out there.

Toodles everyone. Hope this day finds you happy and healthy.

BTW, does anyone like my new icon? Jamers made it for me last night after I made him watch the utter WTF that is David Hasselhoff singing Hooked on a Feeling.

house, work, portland

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