beansbouf, I know you gave me the info on various areas of Portland before but I can't seem to locate it. Could you be ever so sweet, and give me the rundown again? Or
manicgiraffe, or anybody else out there in lj land that knows the area - any information I can get now would be greatly appreciated. With only a little over two months left until the move, I need to hone down where we're going to be looking. Since Nosslins and ManicG appear to be moving out of the Beaverton area and KurtXine are only going to be living with Xine's parents for a few months before they locate an apartment, we should probably evaluate all the areas of the big P before picking one. I think we were looking before in the general area where Noss/Manic, Hunter/Jen, and Xine's parents live, only because they would be near to us. I'm planning on getting a PO Box up there soon and I would like to get one in the general area of wherever we end up living for the next year or so.
I invite anyone and everyone to comment about P.