Mar 22, 2006 13:56
at least according to this Pickle anyway. The rain has stopped . . .for now anyhoo and that makes me smile (insert big ole grin). We are supposed to have a couple of nice days here before the rain starts again. This is extremely weird weather for SC, but normal weather for Portland me thinks. That is great though, it's getting me ready for when we move up there(bowing head in reverance, "Oh thank you goddess!"). At this rate the transition weather wise should be pretty unnoticeable, Woot!
I'm alone in the office, again, pooplins! Just about the only thing I can think of that I won't miss from this job is the fact that I spend so much time by myself. I've got a stack of invoices, but I'm gonna take my time getting em done cause like then I'll have nothing to do, right? So I'll post this update and then code and input and look around the office for more stuff to do.
I think Jamers and I are going to have a nice little nest egg in the checking account for when we move. Hopefully that will be something that the apartment rental people see and go, well maybe they haven't got jobs right now, but they have plenty of money to pay for rent for like 6+ months, so we can rent to them. I don't know. I've never really done this sort of thing. I'm so scared. Scared that we won't get into a place despite our excellent credit and our savings just because we don't yet have employment. I think James is getting ready to send out his resume blast. We're hoping that he can get at least a few places interested enough in him to get some interviews lined up, if not a job, by the time we get there. I'm going to continue to respond to job postings with my resume and cover letters and see what happens from there. A few of you have given me some good tips and other temp agencies that I may go to once I get up there if nothing else pans out. They do have quite a few accounting jobs up that way though, so really I should be able to get a job rather quickly. I mean when I applied here at Slatter, I was one of like 70+ applicants. They only interviewed a dozen or so, and Christine has since told me that she knew the second I sat down for the interview that I was the one for this job. If I can beat out that many people for a job here in SC, I should certainly be able to get a job where the market doesn't appear to be saturated with applicants, right?
The baby thing is just driving me crazy. I've got zero patience and the waiting until health insurance again is going to kill me. I had this brillant idea that we could just go on cobra, right? But that is so expensive I'll have a heartattack just at the thought of the payments. What is six or so more months anyhow, right? Having other things that need attending to helps. Like taxes, packing, cleaning, job hunting, etc. Then once we get up there, I'll need to set up house and get to know the area, so hopefully that will take up some time. I'm hoping by the time I'm out of exteraneous stuff to do, we'll be ready to start trying.
Tonight I've got to get down to the place and have my passport pic taken so I can take it in. Then we are going to my mom/sis's house to take the chest of drawers my sis is giving us that matches the chest of drawers I already have, that just happen to match the bed :) Funny how things like that work out sometimes. I'm gonna do her taxes for her (sometimes it does bug me just a little that a 27 year old can't do her own EZ taxes. Seriously, if she just read it I know she could do it herself, but she wants me to do it, so I will. It will be the last time anyhoo, so no biggie. From there we head to storage to drop off the dresser and put clothes in it (for easier moving). After that, we have to go to Gottschalks so I can have the moron who forgot to take the plastic tag thing that sets the alarm off (not that it did) off of my new skirt. Finally home for dinner and relaxing!
The nice thing is tomorrow I don't think we have plans to do anything with or for anybody. So, we'll send off the taxes, and I'll do some book work and get caught up on the house cleaning! Yea! I'm not going to tell anybody other than LJ friends that we don't have Thursday gaming. That way I'll actually be able to have the day to just us.
Anyhoo, must off to work now. Toodles everyone!