Ocean and the cliff

Mar 01, 2006 10:19

The cliff
Sturdy, tough, holding itself up
Staring into the face of the big blue

The Ocean
Powerful, constant, relentless

Without the ocean the cliff is like the rest of the earth
it loses its purpose, its identity
Without the cliff the ocean knows no bounds
it overruns the land, freely goes where it will
They need each other to be what they are

Ocean gently lapping against the cliff
Over and over
Slowly chipping away its mighty facade

No malice intended
The ocean does what is in its nature
The cliff can't stand up against the force

Pieces slowly erode away
Back into the ever powerful ocean
The core falling apart
Nobody notices until its too late

People will stay away
Too dangerous to be near
the cliff is about to fall apart
Only the ocean will remain

Well it went something like that in my head as I was falling asleep. I hate that I can come up with these witty interesting lines when I'm about to fall asleep. I always promise myself I'll remember but in the morning when I go to write it down it sounds like poo. I guess I'm a poet in my heart but not in my head.

Oh, and no critisims please. I'm really fragile emotionally right now, thanx.


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