Jun 02, 2006 18:21
Hey Kim, I finally started using my account. I decided it's going to be about my craft/coking/arts/jroc/musics/silly crap stuff. Hmm, since this is spur of the moment since I just have some free time I'll put down a recipe for mochi, and a newly discovered way to take advantage of cake mix.
Mochi (the traditonal way)
1 pound of rice flour
3 cups of water
some red bean paste (it's asian stuff don't cha know? and I'm not sure how much exactly because I changed the recipe )
1 cup of granulated sugar
Some corn or potato starch to cover a cutting board and for dusting
Chocolate chips of any sort
Sprinkles (not paraeils or however the hell you spell them, becuase they get all melty and gross)
1.Combine the water and sugar in a pot, be sure not to burn it and let it come to a boil.
2. When the mixture is boiling pour in the rice flour a bit at the time(when doing this you could turn the burner lower I suppose because I slightly browned the non-mixed flour) Anyways when doing that, stir the crap out of it when the flour mixutre gets thick, so you can knock out the lumps.
3.The book says you are supposed to dump it out on to a board with some potato starch, but I just use corn starch(it works just fine) and you are supposed to pound (though my mom said my mixture was good enough, {probably beat the crap out of it enough in the pot} so depending on how it is on the baord I suppose you may or may not want to pound a blob of steaming hotness)
4. Put a little starch on the piece of the dough you cut off (I guess semi small rounds or squares would be the size about, and be sure not to put to much starch on or you can't seal it.) and put in the center of the sticky side of the dough some red bean or some chocolate chips, then pinch and seal the mochi and roll in the starch, so it doesn't stick to your hand forever.
That's about it for mochi though I have some other recipes I may post.
Okay so for taking advantage of cake mix...
Besides filling little plastic vending machine prize balls with them and using them as smoke bombs or blindpeopleanimalsintheface dust you can make a delightful cake. (well duh, and don't be lazy actually bake the mix before eating it)
1 pack cake mix
The suggested amount of water minus 1/2 which is replaced by milk
The suggested amount of oil
The suggested amount of eggs
Corresponding pudding mix
Okay so you take the cake mix, put all the stuff in and mix for as long as they tell you blah blah blah. Bake it, and if you're like me and are doing it last minute for a project and it's a cold bug less night, put it out in the backyard.(if you have hobos in the backyard don't put it out there 1. you may have to knife fight them for your cake 2. run away crying becuase you feel bad for them and are going to get them more food and drink 3. get a lawyer to defend you because your hot cake burnt them and they're going to sue you the best they can.)Anyways u did this in a about 15.5 inch by 10 inch roasting pan with chocolate mix and it turned out rather well. I also put in the dark chocolate chips and they floated because I dusted them in starch, though usually people use flour. This was for a geom project on the golden rectangle and everyone (including my non sweet tooth mom, my indifferent dad, and my hard critic friend)All my friends and class loved it and it was a bit funny how they swarmed(such as ho crap! to many classmates swarming and the bells about to ring!), every time the lid open it was like SWAM....SWAM....SWAM....SWAM and so on. ^_^ it was fun though. Oh and for a final touch my mom helped me put cool whip on top of it since I was finishing my Geom poster, I was going to do fondant but there wasn't enough, or enough time, but most people didn't like the few fondant pieces anyways and pulled it off) It was a think layer of cool whip so on top of it I dusted powered sugar and some Godiva coco drink mix. Yeah now I'm done with this part, meh.
Alright so what we learned today was Fondant or Gum Paste is a frosting dough that can be rolled out and used to cover cakes and are best for covered larger cakes if anyone is going to bother with it. Oh and you can make cute little edible flowers, animals, or just about anything from it.
To lazy to put anything else up at the moment except for
Kirby dance madness!!!!!
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Happy Raver STONERS Pimp