Today, is the Birthday of hide. As in HAPPY hide-DAY! ^_^ Today is a day is listening to pink spider and rocket dive and thinking pink, or just being happy ^_^. Everyone that knows me personally knows thatI wore pink spider jewelry and had my hide bear and pink spider plush with me. (I didn't wear the pink boa) it was a very nice day, and though not extremely hide filled it was still pleasent, and of course I felt MISERY and Lemoned I scream for a good part of the day XD. Pretty much Love to hide <3, and that I need to up a stencil (not that great) and a drawing that need to finish of hide, and I still have to play what I can of Forever Love on the piano. Happy remembering of hide, dear people! <3
hide stencil: Mind you I know hide's Birthday is the 13th but for some reason my LJ is showing the 14th, so please excuse that.