Helloooooooooo Stranger! My name is Melony, and I live on Mars with the purple Kangaroos.
Meh, no I don't. I live in California. With the purple Kangaroos.
Another lie. No purple kangaroos. Just animals everywhere. And sadly, none of them are purple.
Anyway, I am going to do a survey to better introduce myself. Because I always forget the important things while attempting to prove that I am not a 45 year old fat pedophile who lives in his mom's basement.
BasicsName::Melony Age::14 Height::Five foot Six? Hair Color::Blonde Eye Color::Hazel (Hazel Eyes are the Shit.) School LifeWhat's your school's mascot?:I homeschool, so...My Dog? School color(s)?:Err...Blue and White G.P.A.?:I manage a low B, I guess... Who is your favorite teacher?:My mom. What do they teach?:Everything. Is this your favorite class?:I suppose. InternetDo you use any instant messengers?:Yes. If so, which ones?:AIM and YiM, AIM moreso. About how many hours a day do you spend online?:Many. Do you have a digital camera?:Yes. If so, do you post pictures of yourself online?:Once in every cheese-filled moon. MusicDo you play any instruments?:I've played many, I don't play any now. If so, what one(s)?:Cello, Guitar, Piano, and Recorder. I pray for a drum set, though. 3 Favorite Genres Of Music::Alt Rock, Select Euro-Trash, and Select Pop. 3 Favorite Bands::Incubus, Red Hot Chili Peppers, and Yellow Card Do you go to concerts and/or shows?:Rarely. My dad's a stagehand, but he's also a cheap bastard. What is the most you've ever spent on a concert/show?:I bought a Dippin Dots at a radio show once...And a T-Shirt at another... What is the least you've ever spent?:Zero. Do you think buying merch at a concert then wearing it there is corny?:Fuck yeah. And sadly, I've done it. Do you listen to any bands that you'd be ashamed to admit to listening to?:If some people knew I listen to Michelle Branch, I'd be hog tied to an electric chair. Did you notice the grammatical error in question 29?:Err...No? Word AssociationBlue::Room Camera::Blur Boy::Girl Pretty::Posies Pants::Off *giggle* Music::Goood. God::DJ. Damn Pink. Sweater::Fuzz. Live Journal::Shitty Password System. MTV::God. Labels:Do you think labels are dumb?:Yes. Why or why not?:Because people act like it's about more than fashion when it really isn't. What do people label you as?:Dork. How/Why did you get this label?:It's been self imposed. And it's the only label I really like. XD Which Is Worse?Physical Pain/Emotional Pain?:Physical. I'm a wuss. Blink-182/Good Charlotte?:Good Charlotte should die, the bastards. Being Deaf/Being Blind?:Deaf. Being Bored/Rushing around because you have too much to do?:Rushing around. Losing your dominant leg/Losing your dominant arm?:Dominant Arm. LoveDo you believe theres a difference between "love" and "in love"?:Yes. The word "In". HAHAHA! Yes, bad joke. Is it better to have loved and lossed than to have never loved at all?:I would think. Are you romantic?:I would hope so. I think... Are you in a relationship now?:Nope. If so, for how long?:Zero Years, Zero Months, Zero days, Zero Hours, Zero Minutes, and Zero Seconds! If not, how long have you been single?:14 years, Three months, 28 days, Twenty Three hours, and seventeen minutes. Are you a virgin?:Yup. What song describes your love life right now?:Mute. RanomosityWar: Good or Bad?:Bad. What do you think of designer labels?:Too fucking expensive. Who's skankier: Britney Spears or Paris Hilton?:Paris. Britney never filmed it. What is it with guys and cars?:A form of OCD, I think. Do you sing?:In the shower, occasionally. If so, what part (Soprano 1,Alto 2, et cetera)?:The "Hide-The-Glass-Is-Breaking" Part. Kiss or hug?:Depends on who I should be kissing or hugging. What color is your room?:Blue! How old is your mom?:48 in June Black and white or color photos?:Color, but black and white is easier to recolor. Who cuts your hair?:Mummy Dearest. What color is your toothbrush?:Blue. What color is your hair brush?:Silver, Blue, Pink, Green, and Orange. What kind of hair products do you use?:Poor Person Kind. Is K-Mart just the poor man's Wal-Mart?:No, Wal-Mart is the poor man's K-Mart, you dolt. Are you sXe?:No. Are you sexy?:If you think humor is particularly sexy, yes. What color to people tells you looks nice on you?:Don't know. What color do you think looks nice on you?:Jean Blue. Clothes shopping or grocery shopping?:Clothes. Who do you sit with at lunch?Do you like the sound of your own voice when you hear it played back?:No, I sound like a five year old. Who has the nicest speaking voice that you know?:Georgia. What is the website for one of your favorite bands?:www.redhotchilipeppers.com, unless I feel like kissing ass, at which time it's www.hydroshrapnel.com Do you prefer to date people younger, older, or the same age as you?:Same age. Do you listen to songs on repeat often?:I would if any of my CD players allowed it to be. Who was the last person you hung out with?:Kelsey and Nicole at Round Table. What did you and that person do?:The three of us ate pizza, drank Suicides, and played driving games. Do you use internet shorthand (i.e. "lol", "brb", "jk", et cetera)?:Only when nessicary. How often do you bathe?:I try to shower daily, but sometimes I don't wake up early enough and I have to smell like rotten toe fungus for a whole day. Are you a people-pleaser?:I hope not. Do you dye your hair regularly?:Want to, but no. What about your eyebrows?:Err...No... Do you wear makeup?:Whenever possible. If you answered "yes", to #96, are you female?:Yes. Do you buy CDs edited or unedited?:Unedited. If you edit CDs, you are a cocksucking bastard and you should die. Can you beatbox?:Nope. Too white, sadly. Does your mom like the song "Hey Ya" by OutKast?:She does, I don't.
100 Questions For Your Answering Pleasure! brought to you by
BZOINK! Yay, that one was fun. However, it's not midnight yet, so...ANOTHER!
What is your favorite..gum:UnLeashed restaurant:Err...Garcia's, maybe? drink:Suicide season:Late Spring, Early Summer type of weather:Snow emotion:Happy thing to do on a half day:Sleep, I suppose late-night activity:Fill out surveys and harass friends. sport:Rock Climbing city:Reno store:Torrid When was the last time you..cried:A little this morning played a sport:Early January? laughed:Today hugged someone:Yesterday kissed someone:...Awhile... felt depressed:Awhile felt elated:Elated? Forgive me, I'm a moron. Care to rephrase? felt overworked:Last weekend. faked sick:Never. lied:Just a few seconds ago *g* What was the last..word you said:ago thing you ate:Halls song you listened to:I don't know x _ x thing you drank:Orange Creme Thomas Kemper Soda place you went to:Round Table Pizza movie you saw:First 3/4 of WaterShip Down movie you rented:We never rent, we just buy. concert you attended:Endfest August 2002 Who was the last person you..hugged:Mom cried over:My Dad Got a Little Pissy... kissed:Can't remember. danced with:Can't remember. shared a secret with:Does my Diary Count? had a sleepover with:Kelsey called:Alisha went to a movie with:Kelsey, Kalee, Nicole, Katelyn, Katie, Cassandra, and Sarah. saw:Dad were angry with:Nicole couldn't take your eyes off of:Can't remember. obsessed over:...No Comment... Have you ever..danced in the rain:Nope. kissed someone:Do Parents Count? done drugs:Nope. drank alcohol:Yes. slept around:Nope. partied 'til the sun came up:Nope. had a movie marathon:Yes. gone too far on a dare:Nope. spun until you were immensely dizzy:Yes. taken a survey quite like this before:I suppose.
The Favorites, Have-You-Evers.. and Last Times! Oh, the variety! brought to you by
BZOINK! It is 12:16...(SNL is a healthy distraction...)So, I'm done posting for awhile. I'm gonna go join communities and work on my interests list and all that jazz. Never seen Chicago, LEAVE ME BE!
Comment on my nonsense, I feel like meeting new people. Who knows, maybe we could plan an F_W together!
...Or not...