Mother's day is coming what? Two weeks or so?
And I considered making a post about my mama....
But, tragically, my mom isn't..I guess..that interesting..
Everyone said, when I was little, that I looked just like my dad.
But, now that I'm older...I think it's my mom that I look like her the most...
She's just ultra sweet; and does too much for me and my brother and sister and everybody else in her life.
She'd obviously have to be one of my personal heros.
So, with that being said...the next thing that popped in my head was, DUH, my dad....
*Now, there's plenty that can be said about my dad.....
*Doesn't eat any food that his fingers touch.
*Mixes everything on his plate together in to one heap of slop.
*Always put his own toppings on delivered pizza
*Closes the curtains and stares out at our neighbors and passersby.
*Collects sensless junk (a.k.a. 'antiques')
*Likes police scanners and CB radios.
*When my dad was a strapping lad...he pretty much resembled Anthony Perkins (Norman Bates).
But, now, that he's old and "wise"...he's taken on the likes of Mr. Roger's....
*For as long as he could drink (and possibly before) he's drank nothing but good ole' Pabst Blue Ribbon.
*This is his drink of choice. Consumed every day.
***Usually, bought in the 40oz version....he drinks it in front of the means of pouring small amounts into fancy and antique-like shot glasses he collects...from which it is sipped.***
*He enjoys sports. He watches games on TV, while wearing headphones and listening to it broastcast on the radio at the same time. Cursing randomly at the TV.
***Also, intermingling the use of a police scanner - for anythign juicy going on.
*He has a small selection of movies he watches over and over and over and over and over and over.......again and again.
*He collects velvet paintings of Elvis Presley.......and Jesus. Which he hangs in his and my mom's bedroom.
*He buys NEOPOLITAN ice cream. He used to call this NAPOLEON ice cream when I was little. He picks out the strawberry. Then the vanilla - which he covers in chocolate syrup. And gives the chocolate ice cream to either my neice, or their fat dog, Nicky.
**When he eats his ice cream; it's done on a plate....with a fork!
"Mon Dieu!!"
*My dad has a large collection of Old Spice & Dollar Store knock-off colognes....
*He enjoys going to the horse races. On nice days..he sits in the garage...with the garage door open; listening to oldies, watching a black and white static ridden TV. Whilst leafing through old race track bills/scores/books...taking notes of which horses he should bet on.
***On these occasions he also brings into play his Police Scanner - which he uses to hear what the local police are doing in the neighborhood....and hopfully getting to over hear some neighbors phone conversation.
*The Police Scanner also goes along for walking the dog.*
Yeah, that's what I narrowed a few things down to....
He kinda reminds of of Clark Griswold in a way. Which could explain my undying love for that man.
".........(sigh) Oh, Clarky........."