Mar 01, 2009 05:36
Don't the Amish call it shunning when they publicly turn their backs on a member? Well, that's what has happened to me. It's not enough that the company fired me and has slapped me with bogus legal action. Now each member of the team has removed me from their contact list on LinkedIn. Petty. Enough that it made me laugh out loud. I seldom see grown ups behave this way. Not in real life, that is.
For the record (in case I didn't mention it before), I did nothing to deserve this. If Nebraska employment laws were different, I would be suing them for wrongful discharge. Too bad there's no action for their being douche bags about it all.
On the upside of it all, a friend of mine is going to Hawaii with her mother this next week. I think I'll write about travel. Pick a spot, research it, and write a novella about being there. I don't have money for a vacation, but maybe an imaginary one will be almost as refreshing.