Feb 15, 2009 00:24
So, I'm not happy right now. And no, it's not because Megan made me watch Sunshine which has a completely scary ending. No, I can deal with that.
It's because the girl who shares me and my roommate's bathroom (known hereafter as our suitemate) habitually takes showers with her boyfriend in our bathroom. Half the time they have sex, but according to the suitemate they're just "talking". I don't care. Really. It's none of my business what they do in there, just that they're doing it in a shower only meant for the female inhabitants of these two rooms.
So today after I got downstairs from watching the movie with Megan (*shudder*), they were in the shower again. Honestly, I don't see how two people can fit into such a tiny shower. I got absolutely fed up and threw my sneaker at the (very thin) wooden door, and the suitemate starts cussing.
Next thing I know, she's out of the shower and is pounding on our hall door, demanding to know if there's a problem. YES, THERE IS A PROBLEM. There, I said it. I told her that I didn't appreciate them being in the shower together, and she got an attitude and made up all these excuses that they were "just talking". Yeah, right. She also objected to the fact that I called her fiance her boyfriend. So I politely apologized, and we closed the door as the suitemate stalked off.
Moral of the story: stupid people shouldn't be in college. Or should be put down once they reach an age at which their stupidity is visible. Either way.