Back from Dallas

Jun 20, 2006 00:30

Dear Radio,

How many country stations do you need?

Not impressed,

Dear Keys,

Ok, let's just get this straight. You are important. VERY important. You do not have the luxury of running off to make authentic overnight observations in a Texas parking lot because then I FREAK OUT FOR FOUR HOURS TRYING TO FIND YOU so I can drive myself home. My father (my FATHER) nearly had to drive down to Dallas (A LONG WAY) on the night of the Stanley Cup finals LAST GAME (he loves me very much) because you had to take this little jaunt.

Now admittedly, I am very grateful that we found you (Completely by accident. This was not where we expected you to be hiding) so don't think I'm ungrateful. But it was a very stressful day. Also I think we need to rethink having your keychain (Canadian flag) match the front license plate (Canadian flag. What can I say, I'm proud of my homeland) because I believe this makes it entirely too easy for someone to find you and drive off with my car. Which would have made my day MUCH MUCH WORSE, and which is a genuine concern if you are going to start spending overnights out and about (although I am told you at least camouflage well).

Concerned, exhausted, and happy to be home,

Dear Radio,

No really. How many country stations? Because some of us would like some variety.

Spice of Life,

letter, travel

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