Reporting live to you from the Ottawa bus system, this is Rabbit Readerful, your Bored in the Rain correspondent.
I would just like to mention that things continue to go extremely well here, I am planning a big blog post with steampunk photos for those of you who haven't been following my photo dumps on Facebook. picnics and crochet and cameras. It is a little like heaven.
Today I am going to a BBQ to wish bon voyage to some of my best friends in the city. One set is moving off to Toronto and another out to Montreal. And as Lovely as it is to have awesome friends in awesome places, it always makes me sad when Ottawa loses out to her more dynamic (ok, and in the case of Montreal, cheaper) siblings.
Also, this rain is cramping my brunch plans, as we were planning to motorcycle out to a place in the 'country'. (how much do I love having an excuse to wear my dad's old red leather jacket? So much. Although it is slowly disintegrating.) Everyone think sunny morning thoughts with me! Think them harder!!
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