My brain = good times

Apr 06, 2009 11:48

So, last weekend was yet another instalment in the continuing saga of my imaginary boyfriend Ry*.

Now, this would mean more to you if I had ever mentioned him before, so here is some backstory.

First off, the idea of imaginary boyfriends. I’m not referring to the ones that you sit around and have tea with (the winter has not been THAT long, I have not actually gone ‘round the bend). These are the ones that you pick when you are bored at a coffee shop or in those ENORMOUS undergrad classes. You see them, they look interesting, you decide to invent a relationship between you and get very concerned when they don’t show up when they are ‘supposed to’. This pastime is good times, and involves a lot of glaring at people who sit next to him and inventing wild stories for why he was late. [I have always been exceptionally bad at this game, because I have a tendency to go talk to these people that interest me and that ruins the whole thing].

Now, the reason my imaginary boyfriend is so perfect is that I have not yet met him.

My flatmate picked him out for me in September from her translation program. He’s punk, lives around the corner from us at the local punk house and sounds v. nice. [this one is more anarchist punk than Christian punk. I’ve learnt my lesson]. Flatmate and I spent a merry month finding out if he had a girlfriend (no? hell, we’re still not really sure) and making plans to go to parties which invariably fell through.

I had my own entanglement and admit, somewhat forgot about poor boyfriend Ry. Although I still kept tabs on him.

Then a few weeks ago they threw a party/show on a Saturday evening. For which I was of course doublebooked and ended up being unable to go to! Curses! Still have not met him~

Discover that in fact he did not go to said party. HAH! Cosmically linked!

There is an equinox party at his house~ but wait! We discover this the day AFTER it has occurred. Another missed opportunity.

Aha! He will be at the university pub at a show yesterday! Make plans to go late! Late comes and goes, and my flatmate doesn’t get out of her dinner plans in time to go. Again, I have managed to miss the opportunity to meet him.

Each missed meeting increases his appeal. I am at the point where, instead of being introduced to him at a party, I would far rather randomly run into him at a coffee shop or the bus. And I admit to checking for him when wandering around our neighbourhood. This is improved by the fact that I don’t have any real idea what he looks like.

Now, the only danger is that when I meet him I will pull a complete Cecily and inform him that we have been going out for nigh on a year.

Wish me luck!

* names have been slightly altered to suit my whims.
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