So, I got a call back from
the school today, and they seem interested in getting me started for the semester starting in January! I can not tell you how happy this makes me. If I'm not putting all of my eggs in one basket, I think I might actually make that change in my life that I so desperately need! It's amazingly hard not to get excited about such things.
My problem is that I've finally made it to the essay part of the application. I am totally apprehensive about writing this. The guy I talked to, Brandon, told me that there were quite a few topics to choose from and that they were really simple, but now that I look, there's only two topics to choose from. And they want a FOUR PAGE ESSAY! Color me shaking in my boots!
Please describe a time when you had the opportunity to work on a team in your past educational or work experiences. Discuss what your role was, what the outcome was, and what you learned from the experience. How is this learning experience applicable to your participation in NECI’s Hospitality and Restaurant Management or Culinary Program?
Please describe a time when you were faced with a challenge. Discuss your approach to the problem, how you decided what the best solution was, and what you learned from the experience. How is this experience applicable to your participation in NECI’s Hospitality and Restaurant Management or Culinary Program?
I'm not asking for help on these topics, or to have someone write them for me. I know I have to do them on my own, and base them on my own experiences. It's just I am so intimidated by these topics that I have been staring at the screen for almost an hour, and I think I have developed something of a block concerning them. Anyone who knows me knows that talking comes natural to me, I have the natural gift of the gab. And I am not too shabby on the writing part either. I guess that being put on the spot and having the inability to choose what I want to speak my mind about is slowly becoming absolutely terrifying to me.
The good thing is that I have until Monday afternoon to get it done. I'm not putting it off, but I actually might need all of that time to get this thing done.
I can do this. I can do this. I CAN DO THIS!
can I do this?!