Nov 15, 2007 22:25
Across the Mcdonalds from me is a madman I only just escaped from. He is currently eating some yoghurt and talking to himself. He seems quite eloquent but his habit of addressing himself in the mirror is rather unsettling.
Still, it could be worse: just a few moments ago he was speaking to me.
He was occupying the table where I generally plug in my laptop and holding a pair of penetrative ear-phones while random stuff of his was strewn all over the eating area he had occupied.
He interupted me to ask if I was recording him, I replied that I was not and he went of into a whole spiel about how people took photographs of him on their mobile phones and how people did that to celebrities but he was ambivilent. Then he changed his tune and said that perhaps there ought to be a law against it.
Then he left me alone and returned to talking to himself in an urgent mutter.
He said that anybody would suffer a mental break-down if you put them under enough pressure, even doctors and therapists. He occasionally taps the front-page of the Evening Standard and comments on it.
Now he appears to be packing up his stuff and leaving. His rucsack just went into a large plastic bag along with the headphones.
In my own way, I am recording him.
Not that I did not have my suspicions already, of course. In that I am a friend of theirs on their official MySpace page and there have been rumours plunging around all year and Kevin Shields said that the new album was a matter of when not if...
But still, WOW!
I am just really getting into them and they go and reform! Same as with happened to RATM! I'm so pleased, the new material might be as amazing as the old stuff and even if it is half as good it will be easily the best material released this decade.
I need tickets to their shows!!
The music of MBV is astounding, thrilling stuff. Its just mind-expanding brain-distorting noise that is filled with joy and exhilliration, like they chewed up bliss, gargled it with distort fuzz then spewed it out of your speakers.
Amazing noise I can not really put to words, really. Music is hard to describe enough usually but theirs feels like it is not even from this dimension.
And yeah, he left.
Put up his hood and went over to the till, mumbled an order and then when asked to repeat himself tapped his wrist as if drawing attention to a watch {although actually just touching his sleeve} and then wandering off.
I have not updated a lot lately.
This is because all of my time has been spent reading books I should of but have not read, which were put down on my personal statement, with increasing desperation.
Two down, only three-five to go...