(no subject)

Apr 08, 2006 22:19

I promised Savannah pics.

This is our little tv. It looks like it sucks, but the resolution is wonderful. In fact, I might actually be able to play some KH while I'm here.

Here's boyfriend preppin' for the walk. Bananas. Energy. Yes.

Me and pachi, getting ready for the walk.

Here's a shot of our courtyard from the kitched window.

Some berry bush we passed by. They're not edible. And if you get hit by one, it will hurt. :( Berries shouldnt hurt. Ever.

Dandellions?! I love these things. :3

pretty street.

awesome looking building. looks like something from disney.

the street lamps are infinitely cooler than the ones in miami.

pretty house :D

horse drawn carraiges! WHAT!?! we will go on one. there will be pictures.

Forsyth park is only like 4 blocks from where we're staying.

This is the Forsyth Fountain. It's huge and they dye it green during St.Patricks day.

he rules.

fuck yes.

this clock tower actually chimes this loud as bell every hour.

if i lived here, i would go to church just to see this everyday.

River street alley. Rape anyone? PIRATE RAPE?

these steps suck. D:

this is a taffy puller at this huge candy store. i was mesmerized by it for like 5 minutes straight. mmmm....taffyyyy

reppin' the hood with some fly ass fedora's we found at this store called "The Mad Hatter"

this pigeon was a fucking ganster. he would stick his whole face in the hole of the fountain to drink. :3

this is the fountain the pigeons would drink from. im convinced they're reincarnated pirates.

i plan on taking a ride in this thing too. fuck yes.


i dont think i would trust putting gas in my car out of this thing...

this whole town is full of old shit. look. 7-11.

and thats about it. there are a lot more, but its mostly just shots of houses and junk. this place is really gorgeous, but i definitely wouldnt want to live here. anyway. 7 more days to do more shit and take more pictures. :D
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