I think I am finally starting to feel the effects of being sleep deprived. Being more irritable and stuff maybe...but then again I'm not sure. Again and again, I keep bringing up the question of why people can act in a negative manner and yet recognize that they are doing so. I still do not believe in depression. I just can not comprehend it. If you realize you are depressed, why can't you just raise your spirits or find something to take your mind off of it? Not doing so is just being silly.
But now I'm starting to get annoyed by alot of things, particularly outspoken people. I'm not sure why, I just get this feeling of artificialness when I hear them. It's like they are desperate for others to recognize that they are what they want people to believe them to be. Kind of like those people that work a little too hard? Bah, I'm just rambling here.
I slowly realized that I'd been put in a position I hadn't wanted to be in the other day. Getting mixed up in relationships is not fun, especially when you are friends with all members of the party, and want to keep positive relations with all of them, despite their sane-ness or not. Oh well, whatcha gonna do about it? I swear, if people would just learn when to walk away, this world would be a better place.
Owl of the day: