May 06, 2004 23:43
[x] Name - ((jessica))
[x] Nicknames - ((jess, jesi, "jess jess", fromage -- its a jenn nickname lol))
[x] D.O.B. - ((3-22-87))
[x] Location - ((Barberton, Ohio))
[x] Righty Lefty? - ((Lefty))
[x] Baseball Soccer? - ((
[x] Zodiac Sign - ((Aries))
[x] Hair Color - ((Brownish blondish))
[x] Hair Length - ((past my shoulders))
[x] Eye Color - ((b r o w n))
[x] Current Mood - ((S i c k))
[x] Current Time - ((11 09 in the PM))
[x] Food - [[Chinese, mashed potatos]]
[x] Drink - [[Arizone Green Tea with Ginseng and Honey]]
[x] Resturante - [[Applebees, CoffeePot (JENN!), my grandma's kitchen, and Taco Bell]]
[x] Band - [[Alot..]]
[x] Music Genere - [[anything really]]
[x] Book - [[A walk to Remember--the book is sooo much better than the movie!!]]
[x] T.V Show - [[FRIENDS and Gilmore Girls
[x] Color - [[B L U E]]
[x] Sign of Effection - [[HoLdInG hAnDs]]
[x] Clothes - [[HoOdIeS]]
[x] Place - [[Umm..actually.. my cousin Rachals porch swing..its so peaceful and quiet, its out in the country- I LOVE IT!]]
[x] Band - [[Whoa, I feel like you are repeating yourself]]
[x] Movie - [[Drop Dead Fred]]
[x] Quote - [[its from Julius Ceaser..."The fault lies not in the stars, dear Brutus, but in us, for we are underlings"]]
[x] Holiday - [[Easter]]
[x] Animal - [[Horses and Kitties]]
[x] Dating? - ((Myself?))
[x] Crush? - ((*looks away sheepishly*))
[x] Boyfriend Girlfriend? - ((Wait..what?))
[x] Striaght Gay Bi? - ((What I prefer, or me haha?))
[x] PDA or No? - ((Not really))
[x] Looks or Personality? - ((BoTh))
[x] Ur Type . ( i.e Hair color eyes height yaddah yaddah ) - ((I dont relly have a type..but i like so i guess thats my type!!))
Have You Ever?
[x] Had Sex - [[Yes]]
[x] Huged Random people - [[Yes]]
[x] Made a survey - [[no lol i steal other peoples]]
[x] Kissed someone you didn't know - [[Yes]]
[x] Danced Naked? - [[No, haha]]
[x] Pissed Somewhere beside the bathroom? - [[In the woods!!!(good times Sarah!!)]]
[x] Got In A Fist Fight - [[Yes]]
[x] Regreted Something? - [[Yes]]
Five Things that Your wearing right now?
[x] Ankle Bracelet
[x] Blue tank top
[x] Pink T Shirt
[x] Jeans
[x] a ring
Five Bands/Singers
[x] Joe Nichols hes my dude
[x] 3 Days Grace
[x] Story of the Year
[x] Janes Addiction
[x] Seether
Five Things You See/Hear
[x] I hear the tv
[x] I see a pop can
[x] I see an ashtry
[x] I hear the IM sound
[x] I see a sign jenn made me that says "jesi is the best"
Five huge dislikes
[x] D R U G G I E S!
[x] A T T E N T I O N W H O R E S
[x] Spit
[x] Snakes
[x] Hospitals
Five Best Friends
[x] Jenn
[x] Rachel
[x] Ashley (Ashie I realized you are one of my best friends!)
[x] Lyssa
[x] Jenn --again, cause she is the best--
If You Could
[x] move somewhere - ((Australia))
[x] fall in love with - ((B L A H!))
[x] meet someone - ((The Friends cast, Orlando Bloom))
[x] get something - ((a job))
Stuck on an island
*** 4 friends
[x] Jenn
[x] Ashley
[x] Rachel
[x] Taco Bell...its a friend!
*** 3 food items
[x] Mashed Potatoes!!!!!! all the f-ing way!!!
[x] egg rolls (lol Ashie)
[x] Yea, taco bell
*** 2 extra items
[x] a deck of cards
[x] lots of beer..LOL gotta be entertained somehow
***1 outfit
[x] what im wearing now- a blue tanktop, pink tshirt, jeans, flip flops, and a hoodie- yeah thats awesome
[x] over used word? - [[haha]]
[x] who do you talk to the most? - [[Heather]]
[x] person on aim the most - [[Heather!!!..hahah!]]
[x] dumbest computer skills - [[umm..lil Jessi prolly.. I dunno]]
Five things that don't impress you...
[x] D R U G G I E S
[x] bling bling shit
[x] thugs
[x] D R U G G I E S
[x] "pimps"
Five things you cant live without...
[x] my friends
[x] my grandmama
[x] water
[x] bacon, eggs, and toast..YUM!
[x] uh..thats about it!
Five things you'll do when you complete this...
[x] Possibly Shower
[x] Eat some soup
[x] Go to bed
[x] IM tressa if shes still on
[x] watch the tonight show
Five things you feel right now...
[x] tired
[x] hungry
[x] sick
[x] hot
[x] sad..BUT the friends cast is on the tonight show so im gonna watch it
Current time..
((11 42 in the PM))